Package 'str2str'

Title: Convert R Objects from One Structure to Another
Description: Offers a suite of functions for converting to and from (atomic) vectors, matrices, data.frames, and (3D+) arrays as well as lists of these objects. It is an alternative to the base R as.<str>.<method>() functions (e.g., that provides more useful and/or flexible restructuring of R objects. To do so, it only works with common structuring of R objects (e.g., data.frames with only atomic vector columns).
Authors: David Disabato [aut, cre]
Maintainer: David Disabato <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.0.0
Built: 2025-02-18 04:25:27 UTC

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Structure to Structure


str2str is a package for converting R objects to different structures. It focuses on four primary R objects: (atomic) vectors, matrices, data.frames, and arrays as well as lists of these objects. For example, converting a (atomic) vector to a data.frame (i.e., v2d()) or a list of (atomic) vectors to a matrix (i.e., lv2m(). The current version of the package does not have a function for every convertion (e.g., a2m()), but some additional convertion functions may be included in future versions if I find a use for them. The package was motivated by limitations of the base R as.<str>.<method> suite of functions and the plyr R package **ply(.fun = NULL) suite of functions for converting R objects to different structures. While those functions are often useful, there are times different conversions are desired or different naming schemes are desired. That is what this package offers R users. It also contains various utility functions for working with common R objects. For example, is.colnames and ndim.


This packages does NOT handle the nuances of R objects. It is not for comprehensive restructuring of any version of R objects, but rather for restructuring commonly used versions of R objects. For example, the functions are not tested with the raw and complex typeof atomic vectors, list arrays, or data.frames containing non-atomic vector columns (e.g., matrix or list columns). The base R as.<str>.<method> functions allow for comprehensive restructuring of R objects; however, at the cost of less convenient convertions for commonly used versions of R objects. The str2str package seeks to fill that gap in useability.


See the table below


(atomic) vector






(3D+) array








unique values


























Maintainer: David Disabato [email protected]

(3D+) Array to Data-Frame


a2d converts a (3D+ array) to a data.frame. It allows you to specify a dimension of the array to be the columns. All other dimensions are variables in the data.frame. This is different than which converts the (3D+) array to a matrix first; although it is very similar to when col = 0.


a2d(a, col = 0, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check = TRUE)



3D+ array.


integer vector or character vector of length 1 specifing the dimension of a to have as columns in the return object. If an integer vector, col refers to the dimension number. If a character vector, col refers to the name of the dimension (i.e., dimlabel). The columns are in order of the dimnames for that dimension (not alphabetical order like reshape::cast). If 0 (default), then no dimension of the array are columns and the function becomes similar to


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the variable dimensions should be factors of chracter vectors.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether a is a (3D+) array. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


a2d is mostly a wrapper for reshape::melt.array (+ reshape::cast) that allows for the variable dimensions to be character vectors rather than factors.


data.frame of a's elements. The colnames of the variable dimensions are the dimlabels in a. If there were no dimlabels in a, then each dimension is named after its number with an X in front. If col is not 0, then the rest of the colnames are the dimnames of that dimension from a. If col is 0, then the names of the single column with a's elements is "element".


a2d(HairEyeColor, col = 1)
a2d(HairEyeColor, col = "Hair", stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
a2d(HairEyeColor, col = 2)
a2d(HairEyeColor, col = "Sex", stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
try_expr(a2d(as.matrix(attitude))) # error due to inputting a matrix. Instead use `m2d`.

# correlation array example from psych::corr.test(attitude[1:3])
# corr_test <- psych::corr.test(attitude[1:3])
# a <- lm2a(corr_test[c("r","se","t","p")])
r <- matrix(c(1.0000000, 0.8254176, 0.4261169, 0.8254176, 1.0000000, 0.5582882,
   0.4261169, 0.5582882, 1.0000000), nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = FALSE)
se <- matrix(c(0.0000000, 0.1066848, 0.1709662, 0.1066848, 0.0000000, 0.1567886,
   0.1709662, 0.1567886, 0.0000000), nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = FALSE)
t <- matrix(c(Inf, 7.736978, 2.492404, 7.736978, Inf, 3.560771,
   2.492404, 3.560771, Inf), nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = FALSE)
p <- matrix(c(0.000000e+00, 1.987682e-08, 1.887702e-02, 5.963047e-08, 0.000000e+00,
   1.345519e-03, 0.018877022, 0.002691039, 0.000000000), nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = FALSE)
a <- abind::abind(r, se, t, p, along = 3L)
dimnames(a) <- list(names(attitude[1:3]), names(attitude[1:3]), c("r","se","t","p"))
d <- a2d(a = a, col = 3)

(3D+) Array to List of (3D+) Arrays


a2la converts an (3D+) array to a list of (3D+) arrays. This function is a simple wrapper for asplit(x = a, MARGIN = along).


a2la(a, along = ndim(a), check = TRUE)



(3D+) array


integerish vector of length 1 specifying the dimension to split the array along. Default is the last dimension of a.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether a is a 3D+ array. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


list of arrays where each array is one dimension less than a and the names of the list are dimnames(a)[[along]].


# without dimnames
a <- abind::abind(HairEyeColor*1, HairEyeColor*2, HairEyeColor*3, along = 4L)
# with dimnames
a <- abind::abind("one" = HairEyeColor*1, "two" = HairEyeColor*2,
   "three" = HairEyeColor*3, along = 4L)
a2la(a, along = 1) # along = 1

3D Array to List of Data-Frames


a2ld converts a 3D array to a list of data.frames. This is a simple call to a2lm followed by m2d. The default is to convert the third dimension to the list dimension.


a2ld(a, along = 3L, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check = TRUE)



3D array.


integer vector of length 1 specifying the dimension to slice the array along. This dimension is converted to the list dimension. 1 = rows; 2 = columns; 3 = layers.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether character vectors should be converted to factors. Note, that if the array is character and stringsAsFactors = TRUE, then all columns in the returned list of data.frames will be factors.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether a is a 3D array. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


list of data.frames - all with the same dimensions.


a2ld(HairEyeColor, along = 1)
try_expr(a2ld(mtcars)) # error b/c not a 3D array

(3D) Array to List of Matrices


a2lm converts a (3D) array to a list of matrices. This is a simple call to asplit with a default to convert the third dimension to a list dimension.


a2lm(a, along = 3L, check = TRUE)



3D array.


integer vector of length 1 specifying the dimension to slice the array along. This dimension is converted to the list dimension. 1 = rows; 2 = columns; 3 = layers.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether a is a 3D array. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


list of matrices - all with the same dimensions.


a2lm(HairEyeColor, along = 1)
try_expr(a2lm(mtcars)) # error b/c  not a 3D array

(3D+) Array to (Atomic) Vector


a2v converts a matrix to a (atomic) vector. The benefit of m2v over as.vector or c is that 1) the vector can be formed along rows any sequence of dimensions and 2) the dimnames from a can be used for the names of the returned vector.


a2v(a, along = ndim(a):1, use.dimnames = TRUE, sep = "_", check = TRUE)



3D+ array.


numeric vector of length = ndim(a) that contains the integers 1:ndim(a) specifying the order which the array elements should be concatenated. For example, with a 3D array, 3:1 (default) specifies to split the array by layers first, then columns, and then rows. See examples.


logical vector of length 1 that specifies whether the dimnames of a should be used to create the names for the returned vector. If FALSE, the returned vector will have NULL names. If TRUE, then each element's name will be analogous to paste(dimnames(a)[[1L]][i], dimnames(a)[[2L]][j], dimnames(a)[[3L]][k], ..., sep = sep). If a does not have dimnames, then they will be replaced by dimension positions.


character vector of length 1 specifying the string that will separate the dimnames from each dimension in the naming scheme of the return object. Note, sep is not used if use.dimnames = FALSE.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether a is a 3D+ array. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


(atomic) vector of length = length(a) where the order of elements from a has been determined by along and the names determined by the use.dimnames, dimnames(a), and sep.


a2v(HairEyeColor) # layers, then columns, then rows (default)
a2v(HairEyeColor, along = c(3,1,2)) # layers, then rows, then columns
a2v(HairEyeColor, along = 1:3) # rows, then columns, then layers
a2v(HairEyeColor, along = 1:3, use.dimnames = FALSE)

Add array slices to 3D+ Array `abind<-` adds array slices to arrays as a side effect. It used the function abind in the abind package. The purpose of the function is to replace the need to use ary2 <- abind(ary1, mat1); ary3 <- rbind(ary2, mat2); ary4 <- rbind(ary3, mat3), etc. It allows you to specify the dimension you wish to bind along as well as the dimname you wish to bind after. Unlike `cbind<-`, `rbind<-`, and `append<-`, it does not have overwriting functionality (I could not figure out how to code that); therefore, if value has some dimnames that are the same as those in a, it will NOT overwrite them and simply bind them to a, resulting in duplicate dimnames.


Some traditional R folks may find this function uncomfortable. R is famous for limiting side effects, except for a few notable exceptions (e.g., `[<-` and `names<-`). Part of the reason is that side effects can be computationally inefficient in R. The entire object often has to be re-constructed and re-saved to memory. For example, a more computationally efficient alternative to abind(ary) <- mat1; abind(ary) <- mat2; abind(ary) <- mat3 is ary1 <- = abind, args = list(ary, mat1, mat2, mat3)). However, `abind<-` was not created for R programming use when computational efficiency is valued; it is created for R interactive use when user convenience is valued.


  along = ndim(a),
  after = dim(a)[along],
  dim.nm = NULL,
  overwrite = FALSE
) <- value



3D+ array.


either an integer vector with length 1 or a character vector of length 1 specifying the dimension along which to bind value. If an integer vector, it is the position of the dimension. If a character vector it is the dimension with that dimlabel.


either an integer vector with length 1 or a character vector of length 1 specifying where to add value within the dimension specified by along. If an integer vector, it is the position within the dimension. If a character vector it is the dimname within the dimension. Similar to append, use 0L if you want the added array slice to be first.


character vector of length equal to ndim(value)[along] that specifies the dimnames of value once added to a as array slices. This is an optional argument that defaults to NULL where the pre-existing dimnames of value are used.


not currently used, but there are plans to use it in future versions of the functions. Right now the only option is FALSE.


matrix or array to be added as slices to a. Must have ndim equal to ndim(a) or ndim(a) - 1L. Note, the dimensions have to match those in a. For example, if value is a matrix you want to bind along the third dimension of a, then dim(value) must be equal to dim(a)[1:2]. If not, you will get an error from abind::abind.


Like other similar functions (e.g., `names<-` and `[<-`), `rbind<-` does not appear to have a return object. However, it technically does as a side effect. The argument data will have been changed such that value has been added as rows. If a traditional return object is desired, and no side effects, then it can be called like a traditional function: dat2 <- 'rbind<-'(dat1, value = add1).


# abind along the last dimension
# default `along` and `after`
HairEyeColor2 <- HairEyeColor
intersex_ary <- array(1:16, dim = c(4,4,1), dimnames = list(NULL, NULL, "Sex" = "Intersex"))
abind(HairEyeColor2) <- intersex_ary
# user-specified `along` and `after`
HairEyeColor2 <- HairEyeColor
intersex_ary <- array(1:16, dim = c(4,4,1), dimnames = list(NULL, NULL, "Sex" = "Intersex"))
abind(HairEyeColor2, along = "Sex", after = 0L) <- intersex_ary
# matrix as `value`
HairEyeColor2 <- HairEyeColor
intersex_mat <- matrix(1:16, nrow = 4, ncol = 4)
abind(HairEyeColor2, dim.nm = "Intersex") <- intersex_mat

# abind along the first dimension
# array as `value`
HairEyeColor2 <- HairEyeColor
auburn_ary <- array(1:8, dim = c(1,4,2), dimnames = list("Hair" = "Auburn", NULL, NULL))
abind(HairEyeColor2, along = 1L) <- auburn_ary
# matrix as `value`
HairEyeColor2 <- HairEyeColor
auburn_mat <- matrix(1:8, nrow = 4, ncol = 2) # rotate 90-degrees counter-clockwise in your mind
abind(HairEyeColor2, along = 1L, dim.nm = "Auburn") <- auburn_mat
# `after` in the middle
HairEyeColor2 <- HairEyeColor
auburn_mat <- matrix(1:8, nrow = 4, ncol = 2) # rotate 90-degrees counter-clockwise in your mind
abind(HairEyeColor2, along = 1L, after = 2L, dim.nm = "Auburn") <- auburn_mat

# abind along the second dimension
# array as `value`
HairEyeColor2 <- HairEyeColor
amber_ary <- array(1:8, dim = c(4,1,2), dimnames = list(NULL, "Eye" = "Amber", NULL))
abind(HairEyeColor2, along = 2L) <- amber_ary
# matrix as `value`
HairEyeColor2 <- HairEyeColor
amber_mat <- matrix(1:8, nrow = 4, ncol = 2)
abind(HairEyeColor2, along = 2L, dim.nm = "Amber") <- amber_mat
# `after` in the middle
HairEyeColor2 <- HairEyeColor
amber_mat <- matrix(1:8, nrow = 4, ncol = 2)
abind(HairEyeColor2, along = 2L, after = "Blue", dim.nm = "Amber") <- amber_mat

Test if All Elements are Different


all_diff tests if all elements are different. The elements could be either from an atomic vector, list vector, or list. If x does not have any unique values (e.g., NULL), then FALSE is returned.





atomic vector, list vector, or list.


The machine precision of all_diff for numeric vectors is the same as unique. This can causes a problem for some floating-point numbers.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether all the elements in x are the same (TRUE) or not (FALSE).


all_diff(c(1:10, 10))
all_diff(c(1.0000000, 1.0000001, 0.9999999)) # machine precision good for most cases
all_diff(1) # works for vectors of length 1

Test if All Elements are the Same


all_same tests if all elements are the same. The elements could be either from an atomic vector, list vector, or list. If x does not have any unique values (e.g., NULL), then FALSE is returned.





atomic vector, list vector, or list.


The machine precision of all_same for numeric vectors is the same as unique. This can causes a problem for some floating-point numbers.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether all the elements in x are the same (TRUE) or not (FALSE).


all_same("a", times = 10))
all_same(, times = 10))
all_same(c(1.0000000, 1.0000001, 0.9999999)) # machine precision good for most cases
all_same(1) # works for vectors of length 1

Add Elements to Vectors


`append<-` adds elements to vectors as a side effect. The purpose of the function is to replace the need to use vec2 <- append(vec1, add1); vec3 <- append(vec2, add2); vec4 <- append(vec3, add3), etc. It functions similarly to `[<-.default`, but allows you to specify the location of the elements similar to append (vs. c).


append(x, after = length(x), nm = NULL, overwrite = TRUE) <- value



atomic vector, list vector, or list.


either an integer vector with length 1 or a character vector of length 1 specifying where to add value. If an integer vector, it is the position of an element. If a character vector, it is the element with that name. Similar to append, use 0L if you want the added elements to be first.


character vector of length equal to the length(value) that specifies the names of value once added to x as elements. This is an optional argument that defaults to NULL where the pre-existing names of value are used.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether elements from value or nm should overwrite elements in x with the same names. Note, if overwrite = FALSE, repeat names are possible similar to append.


vector of the same typeof as x to be added as elements to x. Note that for atomic vectors, if more complex elements are added, then the return object will be typeof the most complex element in x and value.


Some traditional R folks may find this function uncomfortable. R is famous for limiting side effects, except for a few notable exceptions (e.g., `[<-` and `names<-`). Part of the reason is that side effects can be computationally inefficient in R. The entire object often has to be re-constructed and re-saved to memory. For example, a more computationally efficient alternative to append(vec) <- add1; append(vec) <- add2; append(vec) <- add3 is vec1 <- = c, args = list(dat, add1, add2, add3)). However, `append<-` was not created for R programming use when computational efficiency is valued; it was created for R interactive use when user convenience is valued.


Like other similar functions (e.g., `names<-` and `[<-`), it does not appear to have a return object. However, it technically does as a side effect. The argument x will have been changed such that value has been added as elements. If a traditional return object is desired, and no side effects, then it can be called like a traditional function: vec2 <- 'append<-'(vec1, value = add1).


# no names
x <- letters
append(x) <- LETTERS
append(x, after = match("z", table = x)) <- "case_switch" # with the position
   # of the added value specified

# ya names
y <- setNames(object = letters, nm = LETTERS)
append(y) <- c("ONE" = 1, "TWO" = 2, "THREE" = 3) # with names provided by `value`
tmp <- 1:(length(y) - 3)
y <- y[tmp] # if I put a () inside of a [], Roxygen doesn't like it
append(y, nm = c("ONE","TWO","THREE")) <- c(1,2,3) # with names specified by `nm`
append(y, after = "Z", nm = "ZERO") <- "0" # using name to provide `after`

# using overwrite
append(y, overwrite = TRUE) <- c("ONE" = "one","TWO" = "two", "THREE" = "three")
append(y, overwrite = FALSE) <- c("ONE" = "one","TWO" = "two", "THREE" = "three")

Concatenate and Print with No Separator


cat0 concatenates and prints objects without any separator. cat0 is to cat as paste0 is to paste. It also allows you to specify line breaks before (n.before) and after (n.after) the the printing of the concatenated R objects. cat0 function can be useful in conjunction with sink for quick and dirty exporting of results.


  n.before = 1L,
  n.after = 1L,
  file = "",
  fill = FALSE,
  labels = NULL,
  append = FALSE



one or more R objects. See details of cat for types of objects allowed.


integer vector of length 1 specifying how many line breaks to have before printing the concatenated R objects.


integer vector of length 1 specifying how many line breaks to have after printing the concatenated R objects.


A connection or a character string naming the file to print to. If "" (default), cat0 prints to the standard output connection - the console - unless redirected by sink.


A logical or (positive) numeric vector of length 1 controlling how the output is broken into successive lines. If FALSE (default), new line breaks are only created explicity by "\n" bring called. If TRUE, the output is broken into lines with print width equal to the option "width" (options()[["width"]]). If a (positive) number, then the output is broken after width of that length.


A character vector of labels for the lines printed. Ignored if fill = FALSE.


A logical vector of length 1. Only used if the argument file is the name of a file (and not a connection). If TRUE, output will be appended to the existing file. If FALSE, output will overwrite the contents of the file.


nothing as the function only prints and does not return an R object.


cat0("MODEL COEFFICIENTS:", coef(lm(rating ~ critical + advance, data = attitude)),
   n.before = 0, n.after = 2)

Bind DataFrames Along Columns - Filling in Missing Rows with NA


cbind_fill binds together matrix-like objects by columns. The input objects will all internally be converted to data.frames by the generic function When some objects do not contain rows that are present in other objects, NAs will be added to fill up the returned combined data.frame. If a matrix doesn't have rownames, the row number is used. Note that this means that a row with name "1" is merged with the first row of a matrix without name and so on. The returned matrix will always have row names. Colnames are ignored.





any combination of data.frames, matrices, or atomic vectors input as separate arguments or a list.


cbind_fill ensures each object has unique colnames and then calls Join(by = "0"). It is intended to be the column version of plyr::rbind.fill; it differs by allowing inputs to be matrices or vectors in addition to data.frames.


data.frame created by combining all the objects input together. It will always have rownames. If colnames are not provided to the matrix-like objects, the returned colnames can be rather esoteric since default colnaming will be revised to ensure each colname is unique. If ... is a list of vectors, then the colnames will be the names of the list.

See Also

cbind_fill_matrix rbind.fill


# standard use
A <- data.frame("first" = 1:2, "second" = 3:4)
B <- data.frame("third" = 6:8, "fourth" = 9:11)
cbind_fill(A, B)

# help with unstack()
row_keep <- sample(1:nrow(InsectSprays), size = 36)
InsectSprays2 <- InsectSprays[row_keep, ]
unstacked <- unstack(InsectSprays2)

# using rownames for binding
rownames(A) <- c("one", "two")
rownames(B) <- c("three","two","one")
cbind_fill(A, B)

# matrices as input
A <- matrix(1:4, 2)
B <- matrix(6:11, 3)
cbind_fill(A, B)

# atomic vector input
A <- data.frame("first" = 1:2, "second" = 3:4)
B <- data.frame("third" = 6:8, "fourth" = 9:11)
C <- c(12,13,14,15)
D <- c(16,17,18,19)
cbind_fill(A, B, C, D)

# same as plyr::rbind.fill, it doesn't handles well some inputs with custom rownames
# and others with default rownames
rownames(A) <- c("one", "two")
cbind_fill(A, B)

Bind Matrices Along Columns - Filling in Missing Rows with NA


cbind_fill_matrix binds together matrix-like objects by columns. The input objects will all internally be converted to matrices by the generic function as.matrix. When some objects do not contain rows that are present in other objects, NAs will be added to fill up the returned combined matrix. If a matrix doesn't have rownames, the row number is used. Note that this means that a row with name "1" is merged with the first row of a matrix without name and so on. The returned matrix will always have row names. Colnames are ignored.





any combination of matrices, data.frames, or atomic vectors input as separate arguments or a list.


cbind_fill_matrix is t.default + plyr::rbind.fill.matrix + t.default and is based on the code within plyr::rbind.fill.matrix.


matrix created by combining all the objects input together. It will always have rownames. It will only have colnames if ... is a list of vectors, in which the colnames will be the names of the list.

See Also

cbind_fill rbind.fill.matrix


# standard use
A <- matrix(1:4, 2)
B <- matrix(6:11, 3)
cbind_fill_matrix(A, B)

# help with unstack()
row_keep <- sample(1:nrow(InsectSprays), size = 36)
InsectSprays2 <- InsectSprays[row_keep, ]
unstacked <- unstack(InsectSprays2)

# using rownames for binding
rownames(A) <- c("one", "two")
rownames(B) <- c("three","two","one")
cbind_fill_matrix(A, B)

# data.frame input
C <- data.frame("V1" = c(12,13,14,15), row.names = c("one","two","three","four"))
cbind_fill_matrix(A, B, C)

# atomic vector input
A <- matrix(1:4, 2)
B <- matrix(6:11, 3)
C <- c(12,13,14,15)
cbind_fill_matrix(A, B, C)

# same as plyr::rbind.fill.matrix, cbind_fill_matrix doesn't like some input
# with dimnames and others without...
rownames(A) <- c("one", "two")
cbind_fill_matrix(A, B)

Add Columns to Data Objects


`cbind<-` adds columns to data objects as a side effect. The purpose of the function is to replace the need to use dat2 <- cbind(dat1, add1); dat3 <- cbind(dat2, add2); dat4 <- cbind(dat3, add3), etc. For data.frames, it functions similarly to `[<`, but allows you to specify the location of the columns similar to append (vs. c) and overwrite columns with the same colnames. For matrices, it offers more novel functionality since `[<-.matrix` does not exist.


cbind(data, after = ncol(data), col.nm = NULL, overwrite = TRUE) <- value



data.frame or matrix of data.


either an integer vector with length 1 or a character vector of length 1 specifying where to add value. If an integer vector, it is the position of a column. If a character vector it is the column with that name. Similar to append, use 0L if you want the added columns to be first.


character vector of length equal to NCOL(value) that specifies the colnames of value once added to data as columns. This is an optional argument that defaults to NULL where the pre-existing colnames of value are used.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether columns from value or col.nm should overwrite columns in data with the same colnames. Note, if overwrite = FALSE, repeat colnames are possible similar to cbind.


data.frame, matrix, or atomic vector to be added as columns to data. If a data.frame or matrix, it must have the same nrow as data. If an atomic vector, it must have length equal to nrow of data. Note, if it is an atomic vector and col.nm is NULL, then the name of the added column will be "value".


Some traditional R folks may find this function uncomfortable. R is famous for limiting side effects, except for a few notable exceptions (e.g., `[<-` and `names<-`). Part of the reason is that side effects can be computationally inefficient in R. The entire object often has to be re-constructed and re-saved to memory. For example, a more computationally efficient alternative to cbind(dat) <- add1; cbind(dat) <- add2; cbind(dat) <- add3 is dat1 <- = cbind, args = list(dat, add1, add2, add3)). However, `cbind<-` was not created for R programming use when computational efficiency is valued; it is created for R interactive use when user convenience is valued.

Similar to `cbind`, `cbind<-` works with both data.frames and matrices. This is because `cbind` is a generic function with a default method that works with matrices and a data.frame method that works with data.frames. Similar to `cbind`, if colnames of value are not given and col.nm is left NULL, then the colnames of the return object are automatically created and can be dissatisfying.


Like other similar functions (e.g., `names<-` and `[<-`), `cbind<-` does not appear to have a return object. However, it technically does as a side effect. The argument data will have been changed such that value has been added as columns. If a traditional return object is desired, and no side effects, then it can be called like a traditional function: dat2 <- 'cbind<-'(dat1, value = add1).


attitude2 <- attitude
cbind(attitude2) <- rowMeans(attitude2) # defaults to colnames = "value"
attitude2["value"] <- NULL
cbind(attitude2, col.nm = "mean") <- rowMeans(attitude2) # colnames specified by `col.nm`
attitude2["mean"] <- NULL
cbind(attitude2, after = "privileges", col.nm = c("mean","sum")) <-
   cbind(rowMeans(attitude2), rowSums(attitude2)) # `value` can be a matrix
attitude2[c("mean","sum")] <- NULL
attitude2 <- `cbind<-`(data = attitude2, value = rowMeans(attitude2)) # traditional call
attitude2["value"] <- NULL
cbind(attitude2, after = "privileges", col.nm = "mean") <-
   rowMeans(attitude2) # `data` can be a matrix
cbind(attitude2) <- data.frame("mean" = = "mean", times = 30L)) # overwrite = TRUE
cbind(attitude2, overwrite = FALSE) <-
   data.frame("mean" = = "mean", times = 30L)) # overwrite = FALSE
cbind(attitude2) <- data.frame("mean" = = "MEAN", times = 30L),
   "sum" = = "SUM", times = 30L)) # will overwrite only the first "mean" column
   # then will append the remaining columns

Integer Codes of Factor Levels


codes returns the integer codes for each factor level from a factor.







integer vector with length = length(levels(fct)), elements = integer codes of fct and names = levels(fct).



Data-Frame to (3D+) Array or Matrix


d2a converts a data.frame to a (3D+) array or matrix. This function assumes the data.frame contains 2+ variable dimensions, which will correspond to the returned arrays/matrix dimensions. One or multiple variables can contain the elements of the returned array (only one variable can contain the elements for returning a matrix). In the case of multiple variables, they will be binded as the last dimension in the returned array with dimnames equal to the variable names.


d2a(d, dim.nm = names(d)[-ncol(d)], rtn.dim.lab = "el_nm", check = TRUE)



data.frame with at least 3 columns, where 2+ columns are variable dimensions and 1+ columns contain the to-be returned array/matrix elements.


character vector of 2+ length specifying the colnames in d that contain the variable dimensions. These do not need to be factors or character vectors. Note, all columns in d other than dim.nm are assumed to be element columns.


character vector of length 1 specifying the dimlabel to use for the last dimension in the returned array when there are multiple element columns in d. Note, that NA will be converted to "NA" and NULL will return an error. If you don't want any dimlabel to show, "" is probably the best option. If there is only one element column in d, this argument is ignored by d2a.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether d is a data.frame. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


d2a is a wrapper for reshape::cast with the addition of reordering the dimnames by position, which sorts the dimnames by the position they first appear in the variable dimensions of the data.frame (reshape::cast sorts all the dimnames alphabetically).


(3D+) array or matrix formed from the dimensions d[dim.nm] with dimlabels = dim.nm (and rtn.dim.lab if there are multiple element columns). The dimnames are the unique elements d[dim.nm] and are ordered by position (rather than alphabetically), which allow for conversions back to the original array after a call to a2d() or matrix after a call to m2d().


# 3D array
d <- reshape::melt.array(HairEyeColor)
a <- reshape::cast(d, Hair ~ Eye ~ Sex)
identical(a, unclass(HairEyeColor)) # not the same as HairEyeColor
d <- a2d(HairEyeColor)
a <- d2a(d, dim.nm = c("Hair","Eye","Sex"))
identical(a, unclass(HairEyeColor)) # yes the same as HairEyeColor

# matrix
attitude_mat <- d2m(attitude)
d <- m2d(attitude_mat, col = 0)
m <- d2a(d)
identical(m, attitude_mat) # yes the same as attitude_mat

# correlation data.frame example for p-values using psych::corr.test(attitude[1:3])
# corr_test <- psych::corr.test(attitude)
# a <- lm2a(corr_test[c("r","se","t","p")])
r <- matrix(c(1.0000000, 0.8254176, 0.4261169, 0.8254176, 1.0000000, 0.5582882,
   0.4261169, 0.5582882, 1.0000000), nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = FALSE)
se <- matrix(c(0.0000000, 0.1066848, 0.1709662, 0.1066848, 0.0000000, 0.1567886,
   0.1709662, 0.1567886, 0.0000000), nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = FALSE)
t <- matrix(c(Inf, 7.736978, 2.492404, 7.736978, Inf, 3.560771,
   2.492404, 3.560771, Inf), nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = FALSE)
p <- matrix(c(0.000000e+00, 1.987682e-08, 1.887702e-02, 5.963047e-08, 0.000000e+00,
   1.345519e-03, 0.018877022, 0.002691039, 0.000000000), nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = FALSE)
a <- abind::abind(r, se, t, p, along = 3L)
dimnames(a) <- list(names(attitude[1:3]), names(attitude[1:3]), c("r","se","t","p"))
d <- a2d(a = a, col = 3)
a2 <- d2a(d = d, dim.nm = c("X1","X2"))
all.equal(a, a2) # dimlabels differ
dimnames(a2) <- unname(dimnames(a2))
all.equal(a, a2) # now it is true

# correlation data.frame example for confidence intervals using psych::corr.test(attitude[1:3])
# corr_test <- psych::corr.test(attitude[1:3])
# d <- corr_test[["ci"]][c("r","p","lower","upper")]
# cbind(d, after = 0L) <- reshape::colsplit(row.names(d), split = "-", names = c("X1","X2"))
# tmp <- d[c("X2","X1","r","p","lower","upper")]
# d2 <- plyr::rename(tmp, c("X1" = "X2", "X2" = "X1"))
# short_nm <- unique(c(fct2v(d[["X1"]]), fct2v(d[["X2"]])))
# d3 <- data.frame("X1" = short_nm, "X2" = short_nm,
#    "r" = NA_real_, "p" = NA_real_, "lower" = NA_real_, "upper" = NA_real_)
# d_all <- ld2d(ld = list(d, d2, d3), rtn.listnames.nm = NULL, rtn.rownames.nm = NULL)
d_all <- data.frame(
   "X1" = c("ratng","ratng","cmpln","cmpln","prvlg","prvlg","ratng","cmpln","prvlg"),
   "X2" = c("cmpln","prvlg","prvlg","ratng","ratng","cmpln","ratng","cmpln","prvlg"),
   "r" = c(0.8254176, 0.4261169, 0.5582882, 0.8254176, 0.4261169, 0.5582882, NA, NA, NA),
   "p" = c(1.987682e-08, 1.887702e-02, 1.345519e-03, 1.987682e-08,
      1.887702e-02, 1.345519e-03, NA, NA, NA),
   "lower" = c(0.66201277, 0.07778967, 0.24787510, 0.66201277, 0.07778967,
      0.24787510, NA, NA, NA),
   "upper" = c(0.9139139, 0.6817292, 0.7647418, 0.9139139, 0.6817292,
      0.7647418, NA, NA, NA)
tmp <- d2a(d = d_all, dim.nm = c("X1","X2"), rtn.dim.lab = "stat")
short_nm <- c("ratng","cmpln","prvlg")
dim_names <- list(short_nm, short_nm, c("r","p","lower","upper"))
a <- = `[`, args = c(list(tmp), dim_names))

Data-Frame to Data-Frame (e.g., factors to character vectors)


d2d converts a data.frame to a modified version of the data.frame. It is used to convert factors, character vectors, and logical vectors to different classes/types (e.g., factors to character vectors).


  fct = "chr",
  chr = "chr",
  lgl = "int",
  order.lvl = "alphanum",
  decreasing = FALSE,
  na.lvl = FALSE,
  check = TRUE





character vector of length 1 specifying what factors should be converted to. There are three options: 1) "chr" for converting to character vectors (i.e., factor labels), 2) "int" for converting to integer vectors (i.e., factor codes), or 3) "fct" for keeping the factor as is without any changes.


character vector of length 1 specifying what character vectors should be converted to. There are three options: 1) "fct" for converting to factors (i.e., elements will be factor labels), 2) "int" for converting to integer vectors (i.e., factor codes after first converting to a factor), or 3) "chr" for keeping the character vectors as is without any changes.


character vector of length 1 specifying what logical vectors should be converted to. There are four options: 1) "fct" for converting to factors (i.e., "TRUE" and "FALSE" will be factor labels), 2) "chr" for converting to character vectors (i.e., elements will be "TRUE" and "FALSE"), 3) "int" for converting to integer vectors (i.e., TRUE = 1; FALSE = 0), and 4) "lgl" for keeping the logical vectors as is without any changes.


character vector of length 1 specifying how you want to order the levels of the factor. The options are "alphanum", which sorts the levels alphanumerically (with NA last); "position", which sorts the levels by the position the level first appears; "frequency", which sorts the levels by their frequency. If any frequencies are tied, then the ties are sorted alphanumerically (with NA last).


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the ordering of the levels should be decreasing (TRUE) rather than increasing (FALSE).


logical vector of length 1 specifying if NA should be considered a level.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether d is a data.frame. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


d2d internally uses the fct2v and v2fct functions. See them or more details about how column conversions work.


data.frame with the same dim and dimnames as d, but with potentially altered columns which were factors, character vectors, and/or integer vectors.


dat <- data.frame(
"lgl_1" = c(TRUE, FALSE, NA),
"lgl_2" = c(FALSE, TRUE, NA),
"int_1" = c(1L, NA, 2L),
"int_2" = c(2L, NA, 1L),
"dbl_1" = c(1.1, NA, 2.2),
"dbl_2" = c(2.2, NA, 1.1),
"chr_1" = c(NA, "a","b"),
"chr_2" = c(NA, "b","a"),
"fct_1" = factor(c(NA, "one","two")),
"fct_2" = factor(c(NA, "two","one"))
x <- d2d(dat); str(x) # default
x <- d2d(dat, fct = "fct", chr = "fct", lgl = "fct"); str(x) # all to factors
x <- d2d(dat, fct = "int", chr = "int"); str(x) # all to integers

Data-Frame to List of Data-Frames


d2ld converts a data.frame to a list of data.frames. This is a simple call to splitting the data.frame up by groups.


  by, = TRUE,
  drop = FALSE,
  sep = ".",
  lex.order = FALSE,
  check = TRUE





character vector of colnames specifying the groups to split the data.frame up by. Can be multiple colnames, which implicitly calls interaction.

logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the by columns should be kept in the list of data.frames (TRUE) or removed (FALSE).


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether unused groups from the by columns should be dropped (TRUE) or kept (FALSE). This only applies when there are multiple by columns. drop = FALSE can then result in some data.frames with nrow = 0. See interaction for details.


character vector of length 1 specifying the string used to separate the group names. Only applicable with multiple by columns. See interaction for details.


logical vector of length 1 specifying the order of the data.frames in the list based on the groups in the by columns. This only applies when there are multiple by columns. See interaction for details.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether d is a data.frame and by are colnames of d. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


list of data.frames split by the groups specified in the by columns. The list names are the group names (with sep if there are multiple by columns).


# one grouping variable
d2ld(d = mtcars, by = "vs")
d2ld(d = mtcars, by = "gear")

# two grouping variables
d2ld(d = mtcars, by = c("vs","gear"))
d2ld(d = mtcars, by = c("vs","gear"), lex.order = TRUE)

# argument
d2ld(d = mtcars, by = "vs", = FALSE)
d2ld(d = mtcars, by = "gear", = FALSE)
d2ld(d = mtcars, by = c("vs","gear"), = FALSE)

Data-Frame to List of (Atomic) Vectors


d2lv converts a data.frame to a list of (atomic) vectors. This function is really only worthwhile when along = 1 since when along = 2, the function is essentially


d2lv(d, along, check = TRUE)





numeric vector of length 1 specifying which dimension to slice the data.frame along. If 1, then the data.frame is sliced by rows. If 2, then the data.frame is sliced by columns.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether d is a data.frame. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


list of (atomic) vectors. If along = 1, then the names are the rownames of d and the vectors are rows from d. If along = 2, then the names are the colnames of d and the vector are columns from d. Note, the vectors always have the same length as nrow(d).


d2lv(mtcars, along = 1)
d2lv(mtcars, along = 2)
d2lv(CO2, along = 1) # all vectors converted to typeof character
d2lv(CO2, along = 2) # each column stays its own typeof (or class for factors)
# check = FALSE
try_expr(d2lv(mtcars, along = 3, check = FALSE)) # less informative error message
try_expr(d2lv(mtcars, along = 3, check = TRUE)) # more informative error message

Data-Frame to Matrix


d2m converts a data.frame to a matrix. The user can specify how to convert factors, character vectors, and integer vectors in the data.frame through the internal use of the d2d function. After the call to d2d, d2m simply calls = TRUE), which will return a matrix of the most complex typeof of any column in the data.frame (most complex to least complex: character, double, integer, logical). Therefore, if any factors or character vectors are left in the data.frame, it will return a character matrix. On the other side of things, if all columns in the data.frame are logical, then it will return a logical matrix. However, if every column in the data.frame is logical except for one factor or character vector, then it will return a character matrix. (If you have a data.frame where 2 columns are the matrix dimnames and one column is the matrix elements, then use d2a()).


  fct = "chr",
  chr = "chr",
  lgl = "int",
  order.lvl = "alphanum",
  decreasing = FALSE,
  na.lvl = FALSE,
  check = TRUE





character vector of length 1 specifying what factors should be converted to. There are three options: 1) "chr" for converting to character vectors (i.e., factor labels), 2) "int" for converting to integer vectors (i.e., factor codes), or 3) "fct" for keeping the factor as is without any changes.


character vector of length 1 specifying what character vectors should be converted to. There are three options: 1) "fct" for converting to factors (i.e., elements will be factor labels), 2) "int" for converting to integer vectors (i.e., factor codes after first converting to a factor), or 3) "chr" for keeping the character vectors as is without any changes.


character vector of length 1 specifying what logical vectors should be converted to. There are four options: 1) "fct" for converting to factors (i.e., "TRUE" and "FALSE" will be factor labels), 2) "chr" for converting to character vectors (i.e., elements will be "TRUE" and "FALSE"), 3) "int" for converting to integer vectors (i.e., TRUE = 1; FALSE = 0), and 4) "lgl" for keeping the logical vectors as is without any changes.


character vector of length 1 specifying how you want to order the levels of the factor. The options are "alphanum", which sorts the levels alphanumerically (with NA last); "position", which sorts the levels by the position the level first appears; "frequency", which sorts the levels by their frequency. If any frequencies are tied, then the ties are sorted alphanumerically (with NA last).


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the ordering of the levels should be decreasing (TRUE) rather than increasing (FALSE).


logical vector of length 1 specifying if NA should be considered a level.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether d is a data.frame. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


matrix with the same dim and dimnames as d. After applying the factor, character vector, and/or integer vector conversions through d2d, the matrix will have typeof = most complex typeof of any column in the modified data.frame.


x <- d2m(mtcars); str(x)
dat <-
x <- d2m(dat); str(x)
x <- d2m(dat, fct = "int"); str(x)

Data-Frame to (Atomic) Vector


d2v converts a data.frame to a matrix. The user can specify how to convert factors, character vectors, and integer vectors in the data.frame through the internal use of the d2d function. After the call to d2d, the data.frame is simplied to an atomic vector, which will return a vector of the most complex typeof of any column in the data.frame (most complex to least complex: character, double, integer, logical). Therefore, if any factors or character vectors are left in the data.frame, it will return a character vector. On the other side of things, if all columns in the data.frame are logical, then it will return a logical vector. However, if every column in the data.frame is logical except for one factor or character vector, then it will return a character vector.


  along = 2,
  use.dimnames = TRUE,
  sep = "_",
  fct = "chr",
  chr = "chr",
  lgl = "int",
  order.lvl = "alphanum",
  decreasing = FALSE,
  na.lvl = FALSE,
  check = TRUE





numeric vector of length one that is equal to either 1 or 2. 1 means that d is split along rows (i.e., dimension 1) and then concatenated. 2 means that d is split along columns (i.e., dimension 2) and then concatenated.


logical vector of length 1 that specifies whether the dimnames of d should be used to create the names for the returned vector. If FALSE, the returned vector will have NULL names. If TRUE, see details of m2v.


character vector of length 1 specifying the string that will separate the rownames and colnames in the naming scheme of the returned vector. Note, sep is not used if use.dimnames = FALSE.


character vector of length 1 specifying what factors should be converted to. There are three options: 1) "chr" for converting to character vectors (i.e., factor labels), 2) "int" for converting to integer vectors (i.e., factor codes), or 3) "fct" for keeping the factor as is without any changes.


character vector of length 1 specifying what character vectors should be converted to. There are three options: 1) "fct" for converting to factors (i.e., elements will be factor labels), 2) "int" for converting to integer vectors (i.e., factor codes after first converting to a factor), or 3) "chr" for keeping the character vectors as is without any changes.


character vector of length 1 specifying what logical vectors should be converted to. There are four options: 1) "fct" for converting to factors (i.e., "TRUE" and "FALSE" will be factor labels), 2) "chr" for converting to character vectors (i.e., elements will be "TRUE" and "FALSE"), 3) "int" for converting to integer vectors (i.e., TRUE = 1; FALSE = 0), and 4) "lgl" for keeping the logical vectors as is without any changes.


character vector of length 1 specifying how you want to order the levels of the factor. The options are "alphanum", which sorts the levels alphanumerically (with NA last); "position", which sorts the levels by the position the level first appears; "frequency", which sorts the levels by their frequency. If any frequencies are tied, then the ties are sorted alphanumerically (with NA last).


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the ordering of the levels should be decreasing (TRUE) rather than increasing (FALSE).


logical vector of length 1 specifying if NA should be considered a level.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether d is a data.frame. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


(atomic) vector with elements from d. If d had one row, then the names of the return object are names(d). If d has one column, then the names of the return object are row.names(d).


# general data.frame
d2v(mtcars) # default
d2v(d = mtcars, along = 1) # concatenate along rows
d2v(d = mtcars, sep = ".") # change the sep of the rownames(d) and colnames(d)
d2v(d = mtcars, use.dimnames = FALSE) # return object has no names
# one row/column data.frame
one_row <- mtcars[1,, drop = FALSE]
one_col <- mtcars[, 1, drop = FALSE]
one_all <- mtcars[1,1, drop = FALSE]
d2v(one_all, use.dimnames = FALSE)

Dimension labels (i.e., names of dimnames)


dimlabels returns the the dimension labels (i.e., names of dimnames) of an object. This is most useful for arrays, which can have anywhere from 1 to 1000+ dimensions.





object that has dimensions (e.g., array).


dimlabels is a very simple function that is simply names(dimnames(x)).


character vector of length = ndim(x) specifying the dimension labels (i.e., names of dimnames) of x. If x does not have any dimensions, or has dimensions but no dimension labels, then NULL is returned.



Add Elements to Vectors


`dimlabels<-` adds elements to vectors as a side effect. The purpose of the function is to replace names(dimnames(x)) with a single function call.


dimlabels(x) <- value



array or any object with dimnames. The object may or may not already have dimlabels.


character vector of dimlabels to be added to x. If `dimlabels<-` is used on its own, then the length of value must be the same as ndim. If `dimlabels<-` is used in confunction with the subsetting function `[[<-` or `[<-`, then the length of values should be equal to the length of dimlabels after from the subsetting. This is the same way `names<-` works.


Like other similar functions (e.g., `names<-` and `[<-`), it does not appear to have a return object. However, it technically does as a side effect. The argument x will have been changed such that value has been added as dimlabels. If a traditional return object is desired, and no side effects, then it can be called like a traditional function: obj2 <- 'dimlabels<-'(x = obj, value = dimlab).


a <- array(c(letters, NA), dim = c(3,3,3),
   dimnames = replicate(3, expr = 1:3, simplify = FALSE))
dimlabels(a) <- c("first","second","third")
dimlabels(a)[[2]] <- c("2nd")
dimlabels(a)[c(1,3)] <- c("1st","3rd")

Environment to List


e2l converts an environment to a list. The function assumes you don't want *all* objects in an environment and uses pick to determine which objects you want included. If you want all objects in an environment, then use grab(x = objects(envir, all.names = TRUE), envir).


  e = sys.frame(),
  pat = FALSE,
  not = FALSE,
  fixed = FALSE,
  sorted = FALSE,
  check = TRUE



environment to pull the objects from. Default is the global environment.


character vector specifying which objects from e will be extracted. If pat = FALSE (default), then val can have length > 1, and exact matching will be done via is.element (essentially match). If pat = TRUE, then val has to be a character vector of length 1 and partial matching will be done via grepl with the option of regular expressions if fixed = FALSE (default).


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether val should refer to exact matching (FALSE) via is.element (essentially match) or partial matching (TRUE) and/or use of regular expressions via grepl. See details for a brief description of some common symbols and help(regex) for more.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether val indicates values that should be retained (FALSE) or removed (TRUE).


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether val refers to values as is (TRUE) or a regular expression (FALSE). Only used if pat = TRUE.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the objects should be sorted alphanumerically. If FALSE, the objects are usually in the order they were initially created, but not always (see help(objects)).


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether e is an environment. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


list with object contents from environment e with names as the object names.


model_1 <- lm(v2frm(names(attitude)), data = attitude)
model_2 <- lm(v2frm(names(mtcars)), data = mtcars)
model_3 <- lm(v2frm(names(airquality)), data = airquality)
e2l(val = "model_", pat = TRUE)

Factor to (Atomic) Vector


fct2v converts a factor to an (atomic) vector. It allows the user to specify whether they want the factor to always return a character vector (simplify = TRUE), simplified if possible (simplify = FALSE), or just return the integer codes (codes = TRUE).


fct2v(fct, simplify = TRUE, codes = FALSE, check = TRUE)





logical vector of length 1 specifying whether R should attempt to simplify fct to typeof simplier than character (e.g., logical, integer, double). If FALSE, a character vector is always returned.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the integer codes of fct should be returned. If codes = TRUE, then simplify is ignored.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether fct is a factor. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


When simplify = TRUE, fct2v uses type.convert to try to simplify the factor. Note, missing values are assumed to be "NA" and decimals are assumed to be "."; however, "L" after a number is not interpreted as an integer specifier.


(atomic) vector of the same length as fct. If codes = TRUE, then the returned vector is typeof integer containing the underlying factor codes. If codes = FALSE and simplify = FALSE, then the returned vector is typeof character containing the factor levels. If codes = FALSE, and simplify = TRUE, then the returned vector is the simpliest typeof possible without having to coerce any elements to NA. For example, if fct contains all integer numerals (e.g., "1", "2", "3", etc), then it will be converted to an integer vector. See examples.


fct2v(fct = factor(c("7.00001","8.54321","9.99999"))) # double
fct2v(fct = factor(c("7","8","9")), simplify = FALSE) # character
fct2v(fct = factor(c("7","8","9")), simplify = TRUE) # integer
fct2v(fct = factor(c("7","8","9")), codes = TRUE) # integer codes
fct2v(fct = factor(c("7L","8L","9L")),
   simplify = TRUE) # does not understand "L" for integers

grab extracts the contents of objects in an environment based on their object names as a character vector. The object contents are stored to a list where the names are the object names.


grab extracts the contents of objects in an environment based on their object names as a character vector. The object contents are stored to a list where the names are the object names.


grab(x, envir = sys.frame())



character vector providing the exact names of objects in the environment envir.


environment to pull the objects from. Default is the global environment.


list of objects with names x.


grab(x = c("attitude","mtcars","airquality"))
grab(x = c("mean.default","mean.Date","mean.difftime"))

Elements Inbetween Values Within a (Atomic) Vector


inbtw extracts all elements inbetween (by position) two specific elements of a (atomic) vector. This can be useful when working with rownames and colnames since seq does not work with names. Primary for character vectors but can be used with other typeof.


inbtw(x, from, to, left = TRUE, right = TRUE)



atomic vector.


vector of length 1 specifying the element to start with on the left.


vector of length 1 specifying the element to end with on the right.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the leftmost element, from, should be included in the return object.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the rightmost element, to, should be included in the return object.


An error is returned if either from or to don't appear in x or appear more than once in x.


vector of the same type as x that only includes elements in x inbetween (by position) from and to, which may or may not include from and to themselves, depending on left and right, respectively.


# character vector
row_names <- inbtw(x = row.names(LifeCycleSavings), from = "China", to = "Peru")
LifeCycleSavings[row_names, ] # default use
row_names <- inbtw(x = row.names(LifeCycleSavings), from = "China", to = "Peru",
   right = FALSE, left = FALSE)
LifeCycleSavings[row_names, ] # use with right and left arguments FALSE
try_expr(inbtw(x = row.names(LifeCycleSavings), from = "china",
   to = "peru")) # error due to `from` and `to` not appearing in `x`
try_expr(inbtw(x = = row.names(LifeCycleSavings), times = 2), from = "China",
   to = "Peru")) # error due to `from` and `to` appearing more than once in `x`
# numeric vector
vec <- sample(x = 150:199, size = 50)
inbtw(x = vec, from = 150, to = 199)
# list vector (error)
lst <- list(FALSE, 3L, 9.87, "abc", factor("lvl"))
try_expr(inbtw(x = lst, from = 3L, to = "abc")) # error because `lst` is a
   # list vector and not an atomic vector

Test for an Atomic Vector


is.avector returns whether an object is an atomic vector with typeof character, logical, integer, or double.


is.avector(x, attr.ok = TRUE, fct.ok = TRUE)



object whose structure is desired to be tested.


logical vector with length 1 specifying whether non-core attributes are allowed in x. Core attributes are 1) "names", 2) "dim", 3) "dimnames", 4) "levels", and 5) "class". Therefore, attr.ok refers to attributes *other* than these 5.


logical vector with length 1 specifying whether factors are allowed.


is.avector is simply a logical "and" of is.atomic and is.vector.


logical vector with length 1 specifying whether x is an atomic vector. If attr.ok is TRUE then non-core attributes are allowed (e.g., "value.labels"). If fct.ok is TRUE then factors are allowed.


# normal use
is.avector(x = c(1,2,3))
is.avector(x = c("one" = 1, "two" = 2, "three" = 3)) # names are always okay
is.avector(x = array(c(1,2,3))) # returns false for arrays
is.avector(x = list(1,2,3)) # returns false for lists

# non-core attributes
x <- structure(.Data = c(1,2,3), "names" = c("one","two","three"),
   "value.labels" = c("woman","man","non-binary"))
is.avector(x, attr.ok = FALSE)

# factors
x <- factor(c(1,2,3), labels = c("one","two","three"))
is.avector(x, fct.ok = FALSE)

Test for Character Numbers


is.cnumeric returns whether an object is a character vector with all number strings.


is.cnumeric(x, warn = FALSE)



object whose structure is desired to be tested.


logical vector with length 1 specifying whether warnings should be printed due to coercing a character vector that is not all number strings (i.e., one reason the return object could be 'FALSE').


is.cnumeric is useful for ensuring that converting a character vector to a numeric vector is safe (i.e., won't introduce NAs).


logical vector with length 1 specifying whether 'x' is a character vector with all number strings.


is.cnumeric(x = c("1","2","3")) # returns TRUE
is.cnumeric(x = c("1","number","3")) # returns FALSE
is.cnumeric(x = c("1","number","3"), warn = TRUE) # includes the warning
is.cnumeric(x = c(1,2,3)) # returns false because not a character vector

Test for 'colnames'


is.colnames returns whether elements of a character vector are colnames of an object.


is.colnames(nm, x)



character vector.


object whose colnames are desired to be tested.


If the object does not have any colnames, then the function will return 'FALSE' for each element of the character vector.


TRUE for every element of 'nm' that is a colname of x and FALSE otherwise. The structure is a logical vector with length = length('nm') and names = 'nm'. See details for special cases.


is.colnames(x = as.matrix(mtcars), nm = c("MPG","mpg"))

Test for a Date object


is.Date returns whether an object is a Date object (aka has class = "Date").





an object.


TRUE is x has class "Date" and FALSE if x does not have class "Date".


date <- as.Date("2021-05-24", format = "%Y-%m-%d") # as.Date.character
class(date) <- append(class(date), "extra_class")
is.Date(date) # classes other than Date are allowed
is.Date(list(date)) # returns FALSE

Test for a Dummy Variable


is.dummy returns whether a numeric vector is a dummy variable, meaning all elements one of two observed values (or missing values). Depending on the argument any.values, the two observed values are required to be 0 and 1 or any values.


is.dummy(x, any.values = FALSE)



atomic vector.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the two observed values need to be 0 or 1 (FALSE) or can be any values (TRUE).


TRUE if 'x' is a dummy variable; FALSE otherwise.


# any.values = FALSE (default)
is.dummy(mtcars$"am") # TRUE
is.dummy(c(mtcars$"am", NA, NaN)) # works with missing values
is.dummy(c(as.integer(mtcars$"am"), NA, NaN)) # works with typeof integer
x <- ifelse(mtcars$"am" == 1, yes = 2, no = 1)
is.dummy(x) # FALSE

# any.values = TRUE
is.dummy(x, any.values = TRUE) # TRUE
is.dummy(c(x, NA), any.values = TRUE) # work with missing values
is.dummy(c(as.character(x), NA), any.values = TRUE) # work with typeof character
is.dummy(mtcars$"gear") # FALSE for nominal variables with more than 2 levels

Test for Empty Characters


is.empty returns whether elements of a character vector are empty (i.e., "").


is.empty(x, trim = FALSE)



character vector.


logical vector with a single element specifying whether white spaces should be trimmed from the character vector. See trimws.


TRUE for every element of 'x' that is empty (i.e., "") and FALSE otherwise. The structure is a logical vector with length = length('x') and names = names('x').


v <- c("1", " ", "")

Test for 'names'


is.names returns whether elements of a character vector are names of an object.


is.names(nm, x)



character vector.


object whose names are desired to be tested.


If the object does not have any names, then the function will return 'FALSE' for each element 'nm'.


TRUE for every element of 'nm' that is a name of 'x' and FALSE otherwise. The structure is a logical vector with length = length('nm') and names = 'nm'. See details for special cases.


v <- setNames(object = letters, nm = LETTERS)
is.names(x = v, nm = c("A","a"))
is.names(x = mtcars, nm = c("MPG","mpg"))

Test for a POSIXct object


is.POSIXct returns whether an object is a POSIXct object (aka has class = "POSIXct").





an object.


TRUE is x has class "POSIXct" and FALSE if x does not have class "POSIXct".


tmp <- as.POSIXlt("2021-05-24 21:49:11", tz = "America/New_York",
   format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS") # as.POSIXlt.character
time <- as.POSIXct(tmp) # as.POSIXct.POSIXlt
class(time) <- append(class(time), "extra_class")
is.POSIXct(time) # classes other than POSIXct are allowed
is.POSIXct(list(time)) # returns FALSE

Test for a POSIXlt object


is.POSIXlt returns whether an object is a POSIXlt object (aka has class = "POSIXlt").





an object.


TRUE is x has class "POSIXlt" and FALSE if x does not have class "POSIXlt".


time <- as.POSIXlt("2021-05-24 21:49:11", tz = "America/New_York",
   format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS") # as.POSIXlt.character
class(time) <- append(class(time), "extra_class")
is.POSIXlt(time) # classes other than POSIXlt are allowed
is.POSIXlt(list(time)) # returns FALSE

Test for 'row.names'


is.row.names returns whether elements of a character vector are row.names of an object.


is.row.names(nm, x)



character vector.


object whose row.names are desired to be tested.


If the object does not have any row.names, then the function will return 'FALSE' for each element of the character vector. As a reminder, row.names does not respond to a manually added "row.names" attribute (e.g., to a vector). If this is tried, then is.row.names will return 'FALSE' for each element 'nm'.


TRUE for every element of 'nm' that is a of x and FALSE otherwise. The structure is a logical vector with length = length('nm') and names = 'nm'. See details for special cases.


is.row.names(x = mtcars, nm = c("Mazda RX4","mazda RX4"))

Test for 'rownames'


is.rownames returns whether elements of a character vector are rownames of an object.


is.rownames(nm, x)



character vector.


object whose rownames are desired to be tested.


If the object does not have any rownames, then the function will return 'FALSE' for each element of the character vector.


TRUE for every element of 'nm' that is a rowname of x and FALSE otherwise. The structure is a logical vector with length = length('nm') and names = 'nm'. See details for special cases.


is.rownames(x = as.matrix(mtcars), nm = c("Mazda RX4","mazda RX4"))

Test for Whole Numbers


is.whole returns whether elements of a numeric vector are whole numbers.


is.whole(x, tol = .Machine[["double.eps"]])



numeric vector.


tolerance allowed for double floating point numbers. This is always a positive number. The default is based on the numerical characteristics of the machine that R is running on. See .Machine.


TRUE for every element of 'x' that is a whole number and FALSE otherwise. The structure is a logical vector with length = length('x') and names = names('x').


v <- c(1.0, 1L, 1.1)

Join (or Merge) a List of Data-frames


Join merges a list of data.frames into a single data.frame. It is a looped version of plyr::join that allows you to merge more than 2 data.frames in the same function call. It is different from plyr::join_all because it allows you to join by the row.names.


  type = "full",
  match = "all",
  rownamesAsColumn = FALSE,
  rtn.rownames.nm = "row_names"



list of data.frames of data.


character vector specifying what colnames to merge data.list by. It can include "0" which specifies the rownames of data.list. If you are merging by rownames, then you can only merge by rownames and not other columns as well. This is because rownames, by definition, have all unique values. Note, it is assumed that no data.frame in data.list has a colname of "0", otherwise unexpected results are possible. If by is NULL, then all common columns will be used for merging. This is not recommended as it can result in Join merging different data.frames in data.list by different columns.


character vector of length 1 specifying the type of merge. Options are the following: 1. "full" = all rows from any of the data.frames in data.list, 2. "left" = only rows from the first data.frame in data.list: data.list[[1L]]), 3. "right" = only rows from the last data.frame in data.list: data.list[[length(data.list)]], 4. "inner" = only rows present in each and every of the data.frames in data.list. See join.


character vector of length 1 specifying whether merged elements should be repeated in each row of the return object when duplicate values exist on the by columns. If "all", the merged elements will only appear in every row of the return object with repeated values. If "first", only the merged elements will only appear in the first row of the return object with subsequent rows containing NAs. See join.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the original rownames in data.list should be a column in the return object. If TRUE, the rownames are a column and the returned data.frame has default row.names 1:nrow. If FALSE, the returned data.frame has rownames from the merging.


character vector of length 1 specifying what the names of the rownames column should be in the return object. The rtn.rownames.nm argument is only used if rownamesAsColumn = TRUE.


Join is a polished rendition of Reduce(f = plyr::join, x = data.list). A future version of the function might allow for the init and right arguments from Reduce.


data.frame of all uniquely colnamed columns from data.list with the rows included specified by type and rownames specified by rownamesAsColumn. Similar to plyr::join, Join returns the rows in the same order as they appeared in data.list.

See Also

join_all join merge


# by column
mtcars1 <- mtcars
mtcars1$"id" <- row.names(mtcars)
mtcars2 <- data.frame("id" = mtcars1$"id", "forward" = 1:32)
mtcars3 <- data.frame("id" = mtcars1$"id", "backward" = 32:1)
mtcars_list <- list(mtcars1, mtcars2, mtcars3)
by_column <- Join(data.list = mtcars_list, by = "id")
by_column2 <- Join(data.list = mtcars_list, by = "id", rownamesAsColumn = TRUE)
by_column3 <- Join(data.list = mtcars_list, by = NULL)

# by rownames
mtcars1 <- mtcars
mtcars2 <- data.frame("forward" = 1:32, row.names = row.names(mtcars))
mtcars3 <- data.frame("backward" = 32:1, row.names = row.names(mtcars))
by_rownm <- Join(data.list = list(mtcars1, mtcars2, mtcars3), by = "0")
by_rownm2 <- Join(data.list = list(mtcars1, mtcars2, mtcars3), by = "0",
   rownamesAsColumn = TRUE)
identical(x = by_column[names(by_column) != "id"],
   y = by_rownm) # same as converting rownames to a column in the data
identical(x = by_column2[names(by_column2) != "id"],
   y = by_rownm2) # same as converting rownames to a column in the data

# inserted NAs (by columns)
mtcars1 <- mtcars[1:4]
mtcars2 <- setNames(obj = = mtcars1[-1],
   center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)), nm = paste0(names(mtcars1[-1]), "_c"))
mtcars3 <- setNames(obj = = mtcars1[-1],
   center = FALSE, scale = TRUE)), nm = paste0(names(mtcars1[-1]), "_s"))
tmp <- lapply(X = list(mtcars1, mtcars2, mtcars3), FUN = function(dat)
   dat[sample(x = row.names(dat), size = 10), ])
mtcars_list <- lapply(X = tmp, FUN = reshape::namerows)
by_column_NA <- Join(data.list = mtcars_list, by = "id") # join by row.names
by_column_NA2 <- Join(data.list = mtcars_list, by = "id", rownamesAsColumn = TRUE)
identical(x = row.names(by_column_NA), # rownames from any data.frame are retained
   y = Reduce(f = union, x = lapply(X = mtcars_list, FUN = row.names)))

# inserted NAs (by rownames)
mtcars1 <- mtcars[1:4]
mtcars2 <- setNames(obj = = mtcars1, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)),
   nm = paste0(names(mtcars1), "_c"))
mtcars3 <- setNames(obj = = mtcars1, center = FALSE, scale = TRUE)),
   nm = paste0(names(mtcars1), "_s"))
mtcars_list <- lapply(X = list(mtcars1, mtcars2, mtcars3), FUN = function(dat)
   dat[sample(x = row.names(dat), size = 10), ])
by_rownm_NA <- Join(data.list = mtcars_list, by = "0") # join by row.names
by_rownm_NA2 <- Join(data.list = mtcars_list, by = "0", rownamesAsColumn = TRUE)
identical(x = row.names(by_rownm_NA), # rownames from any data.frame are retained
   y = Reduce(f = union, x = lapply(X = mtcars_list, FUN = row.names)))

# types of joins
Join(data.list = mtcars_list, by = "0", type = "left") # only rows included in mtcars1
Join(data.list = mtcars_list, by = "0", type = "right") # only rows included in mtcars3
Join(data.list = mtcars_list, by = "0", type = "inner") # only rows included in
   # all 3 data.frames (might be empty due to random chance from sample() call)

# errors returned
tmp <- str2str::try_expr(
   Join(data.list = list(mtcars, as.matrix(mtcars), as.matrix(mtcars)))
print(tmp[["error"]]) # "The elements with the following positions in
   # `data.list` are not data.frames: 2 , 3"
tmp <- str2str::try_expr(
   Join(data.list = replicate(n = 3, mtcars, simplify = FALSE), by = 0)
print(tmp[["error"]]) # "Assertion on 'by' failed: Must be of type
   # 'character' (or 'NULL'), not 'double'."
tmp <- str2str::try_expr(
   Join(data.list = replicate(n = 3, mtcars, simplify = FALSE), by = c("0","mpg"))
print(tmp[["error"]]) # "If '0' is a value in `by`, then it must be the
   # only value and `by` must be length 1."
tmp <- str2str::try_expr(
   Join(data.list = list(attitude, attitude, mtcars), by = "mpg")
print(tmp[["error"]]) # "The data.frames associated with the following positions in
   # `data.list` do not contain the `by` columns: 1 , 2"

List of (3D+) Arrays to (3D+) Array


la2a converts a list of (3D+) arrays to a one dimension larger (3D+) array where the list dimension becomes the additional dimension of the array. la2a is a simple wrapper function for abind::abind. If you have a list of matrices, then use lm2a.


la2a(la, dim.order = 1:(ndim(la[[1]]) + 1L), dimlab.list = NULL, check = TRUE)



list of 3D+ arrays which each have the same dimensions.


integer vector of length = ndim(la[[1]]) + 1L specifying the order of dimensions for the returned array. The default is 1:(ndim(la[[1]]) + 1L) which means the arrays within la maintain their dimensions and the list dimension is appended as the last dimension.


character vector of length 1 specifying the dimlabel for the list dimension.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether la is a list of 3D+ arrays. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


3D+ array where the list elements of la is now a dimension. The order of the dimensions is determined by the argument dim.order. The dimnames of the returned array is determined by the dimnames in la[[1]] and names(la).


la <- list("one" = HairEyeColor, "two" = HairEyeColor*2, "three" = HairEyeColor*3)
la2a(la) # default
la2a(la, dimlab.list = "Multiple")
la2a(la, dim.order = c(4,3,1,2))
la2a(la, dim.order = c(4,3,1,2), dimlab.list = "Multiple")

Names of the Layers (the Third Dimension)


laynames returns the names of the layers - the third dimension - of an array. If the object does not have a third dimension (e.g., matrix), then the function will return NULL. If the object does not have any dimensions (e.g., atomic vector), then the function will also return NULL.







R does not have standard terminology for the third dimension. There are several common terms people use including "height" and "page". I personally prefer "layer" as it makes sense whether the user visualizes the third dimension as going into/ontop a desk or into/ontop a wall.


Names of the layers (the third dimension) of x. The structure is a character vector with length = nlay(x). See details for special cases.


a <- array(data = NA, dim = c(6,7,8,9))

List of Data-Frames to a 3D Array


ld2a converts a list of data.frames to a 3D array. The data.frames must have the same dimensions.


  dim.order = c(1, 2, 3),
  dimlab.list = NULL,
  fct = "chr",
  chr = "chr",
  lgl = "int",
  order.lvl = "alphanum",
  decreasing = FALSE,
  na.lvl = FALSE,
  check = TRUE



list of data.frames that all have the same dimensions.


integer vector of length 3 specifying the order of dimensions for the returned array. The default is c(1,2,3) which means the rows of the data.frames in ld is the first dimension (i.e., rows), the columns of the data.frames in ld is the second dimension (i.e., columns), and the list elements of ld is the third dimension (i.e., layers).


character vector of length 1 specifying the dimlabel for the list dimension.


character vector of length 1 specifying what factors should be converted to. There are three options: 1) "chr" for converting to character vectors (i.e., factor labels), 2) "int" for converting to integer vectors (i.e., factor codes), or 3) "fct" for keeping the factor as is without any changes.


character vector of length 1 specifying what character vectors should be converted to. There are three options: 1) "fct" for converting to factors (i.e., elements will be factor labels), 2) "int" for converting to integer vectors (i.e., factor codes after first converting to a factor), or 3) "chr" for keeping the character vectors as is without any changes.


character vector of length 1 specifying what logical vectors should be converted to. There are four options: 1) "fct" for converting to factors (i.e., "TRUE" and "FALSE" will be factor labels), 2) "chr" for converting to character vectors (i.e., elements will be "TRUE" and "FALSE"), 3) "int" for converting to integer vectors (i.e., TRUE = 1; FALSE = 0), and 4) "lgl" for keeping the logical vectors as is without any changes.


character vector of length 1 specifying how you want to order the levels of the factor. The options are "alphanum", which sorts the levels alphanumerically (with NA last); "position", which sorts the levels by the position the level first appears; "frequency", which sorts the levels by their frequency. If any frequencies are tied, then the ties are sorted alphanumerically (with NA last).


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the ordering of the levels should be decreasing (TRUE) rather than increasing (FALSE).


logical vector of length 1 specifying if NA should be considered a level.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether ld is a list of data.frames. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


If the columns of the data.frames in ld are not all the same typeof, then the return object is coerced to the most complex type of any data.frame column (e.g., character > double > integer > logical). See unlist for details about the hierarchy of object types.


3D array with all the elements from ld organized into dimensions specified by dim.order.


ld <- list("first" = BOD, "second" = BOD*2, "third" = BOD*3)
ld <- list("cars" = cars, "mtcars" = mtcars)
try_expr(ld2a(ld)) # error

List of Data-Frames to Data-Frame


ld2d converts a list of data.frames to a data.frame. The function is primarily for rbinding a list of data.frames (along = 1). An option to cbind the list of data.frames is included (along = 2), but is just a call to data.frame(ld, stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors, check.names = check.names).


  along = 1,
  fill = FALSE,
  rtn.listnames.nm = "list_names",
  rtn.rownames.nm = "row_names",
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
  check.names = FALSE,
  check = TRUE



list of data.frames.


integer vector of length 1 specifying which dimension the data.frames from ld should be binded along: 1 is for rows and 2 is for columns.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to fill in missing values for any data.frames from ld that do not have all the columns. At this time, fill is only available for rbinding and only used if along = 1.


character of length 1 specifying what the name of the column containing the names/positions of ld should be in the returned data.frame. If NULL, then no column is created for the names/positions of ld in the returned data.frame.


character of length 1 specifying what the name of the column containing the rownames of ld's data.frames should be in the returned data.frame. If NULL, then no column is created for the rownames of ld's data.frames in the returned data.frame.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether character columns from ld should be converted to factors. Only available and used if fill = FALSE.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the colnames of the returned data.frame should be checked for duplicates and made unique. Only used if for cbinding with along = 2.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether ld is a list of data.frames. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


data.frame with the rows (if along = 1) or columns (if along = 2) of ld binded together.


# without listnames and default rownames
ld <- list(BOD*1, BOD*2, BOD*3)
# with listnames and default rownames
names(ld) <- LETTERS[1:3]
# without listnames and custom rownames
ld <- lapply(unname(ld), FUN = `row.names<-`, letters[1:6])
# with listnames and custom rownames
ld <- setNames(ld, LETTERS[1:3])
# can handle same named columns in different positions
ld <- list(BOD*1, rev(BOD*2), rev(BOD*3))
# can handle some columns being absent with fill = TRUE
ld[[2]]$"demand" <- NULL
try_expr(ld2d(ld, fill = FALSE)) # error
ld2d(ld, fill = TRUE) # NAs added
# along = 2 for cbinding
ld2d(ld, along = 2) # does not check/rename for double colnames
ld2d(ld, along = 2, check.names = TRUE) # makes unique colnames
ld2d(setNames(ld, nm = c("One","Two","Three")), along = 2,
   check.names = TRUE) # does not add prefixes from list names

List of Data-Frames to (Atomic) Vector


ld2v converts a list of data.frames to a (atomic) vector. This function is a combination of d2v and lv2v. This function can be useful in conjunction with the boot::boot function when wanting to generate a statistic function that returns an atomic vector.


  along = 2,
  use.listnames = TRUE,
  use.dimnames = TRUE,
  sep = "_",
  fct = "chr",
  chr = "chr",
  lgl = "int",
  order.lvl = "alphanum",
  decreasing = FALSE,
  na.lvl = FALSE,
  check = TRUE



list of data.frames. They do NOT have to have the same dimensions.


numeric vector of length one that is equal to either 1 or 2. 1 means that each data.frame in ld is split along rows (i.e., dimension 1) and then concatenated. 2 means that each data.frame in ld is split along columns (i.e., dimension 2) and then concatenated.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the returned vector should have names based on the list the element came from. If ld does not have names, use.listnames = TRUE will have the list positions serve as the list names (e.g., "1", "2", "3", etc.)


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the returned vector should have names based on the dimnames of the data.frame the element came from. If a data.frame within ld does not have dimnames, use.dimnames = TRUE will have the dimension positions serve as the dimnames (e.g., "1", "2", "3", etc.)


character vector of length 1 specifying the string used to separate the listnames and dimnames from each other when creating the names of the returned vector.


character vector of length 1 specifying what factors should be converted to. There are three options: 1) "chr" for converting to character vectors (i.e., factor labels), 2) "int" for converting to integer vectors (i.e., factor codes), or 3) "fct" for keeping the factor as is without any changes.


character vector of length 1 specifying what character vectors should be converted to. There are three options: 1) "fct" for converting to factors (i.e., elements will be factor labels), 2) "int" for converting to integer vectors (i.e., factor codes after first converting to a factor), or 3) "chr" for keeping the character vectors as is without any changes.


character vector of length 1 specifying what logical vectors should be converted to. There are four options: 1) "fct" for converting to factors (i.e., "TRUE" and "FALSE" will be factor labels), 2) "chr" for converting to character vectors (i.e., elements will be "TRUE" and "FALSE"), 3) "int" for converting to integer vectors (i.e., TRUE = 1; FALSE = 0), and 4) "lgl" for keeping the logical vectors as is without any changes.


character vector of length 1 specifying how you want to order the levels of the factor. The options are "alphanum", which sorts the levels alphanumerically (with NA last); "position", which sorts the levels by the position the level first appears; "frequency", which sorts the levels by their frequency. If any frequencies are tied, then the ties are sorted alphanumerically (with NA last).


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the ordering of the levels should be decreasing (TRUE) rather than increasing (FALSE).


logical vector of length 1 specifying if NA should be considered a level.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether ld is a list of data.frames. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


When use.listnames and use.dimnames are both TRUE (default), the returned vector elements the following naming scheme: "[listname][sep][rowname][sep][colname]".

If the columns of the data.frames in ld are not all the same typeof, then the return object is coerced to the most complex type of any data.frame column (e.g., character > double > integer > logical). See unlist for details about the hierarchy of object types.


(atomic) vector with an element for each element from ld.


ld <- list("cars" = cars, "mtcars" = mtcars)
# use.listnames = TRUE & use.dimnames = TRUE
ld2v(ld) # the first part of the name is the list names followed by the dimnames
# use.listnames = FALSE & use.dimnames = TRUE
ld2v(ld, use.listnames = FALSE) # only dimnames used,
   # which can result in repeat names
# use.listnames = TRUE & use.dimnames = FALSE
ld2v(ld, use.dimnames = FALSE) # listnames and vector position without any
   # reference to matrix dimensions
# use.listnames = FALSE & use.dimnames = FALSE
ld2v(ld, use.listnames = FALSE, use.dimnames = FALSE) # no names at all
# when list does not have names
ld <- replicate(n = 3, expr = attitude, simplify = FALSE)
ld2v(ld) # the first digit of the names is the list position and
   # the subsequent digits are the matrix dimnames
ld2v(ld, use.listnames = FALSE) # only dimnames used,
   # which can result in repeat names

List of Matrices to 3D Array


lm2a converts a list of matrices to a 3D array where the list dimension becomes the third dimension of the array (layers). lm2a is a simple wrapper function for abind::abind.


lm2a(lm, dim.order = c(1, 2, 3), dimlab.list = NULL, check = TRUE)



list of matrices which each have the same dimensions.


integer vector of length 3 specifying the order of dimensions for the returned array. The default is c(1,2,3) which means the rows of the matrices in lm is the first dimension (i.e., rows), the columns of the matrices in lm is the second dimension (i.e., columns), and the list elements of lm is the third dimension (i.e., layers).


character vector of length 1 specifying the dimlabel for the list dimension.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether lm is a list of matrices. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


3D array where the list elements of lm is now a dimension. The order of the dimensions is determined by the argument dim.order with dimnames specified by names(lm). The dimnames of the returned array is determined by the dimnames in lm[[1]] and names(lm).


lm <- asplit(HairEyeColor, MARGIN = 3L)
lm2a(lm) # default
lm2a(lm, dimlab.list = "Sex")
lm2a(lm, dim.order = c(3,1,2))
lm2a(lm, dim.order = c(3,1,2), dimlab.list = "Sex")

List of Matrices to Data-Frame


lm2d converts a list of matrices to a data.frame. The function is primarily for rbinding a list of matrices (along = 1). An option to cbind the list of matrices is included (along = 2), but is just a call to data.frame(lapply(lm, m2d), stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors, check.names = check.names).


  along = 1,
  fill = FALSE,
  rtn.listnames.nm = "list_names",
  rtn.rownames.nm = "row_names",
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
  check.names = FALSE,
  check = TRUE



list of matrices.


numeric vector of length 1 specifying which dimension the matrices from lm should be binded along: 1 is for rows and 2 is for columns.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to fill in missing values for any matrices from lm that do not have all the columns. At this time, fill is only available for rbinding and only used if along = 1.


character of length 1 specifying what the name of the column containing the names/positions of lm should be in the returned data.frame. If NULL, then no column is created for the names/positions of lm in the returned data.frame.


character of length 1 specifying what the name of the column containing the names/positions of the rows within lm's matrices should be in the returned data.frame. If NULL, then no column is created for the rownames of lm's matrices in the returned data.frame.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether character columns from lm should be converted to factors. Note, that is a matrix is character, then stringsAsFactors would apply to all columns.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the colnames of the returned data.frame should be checked for duplicates and made unique. Only used if for cbinding with along = 2.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether lm is a list of matrices. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


Another way to convert a list of matrices to a data.frame is to convert the list dimension, row dimension, and column dimension in the list of matrices all to variable dimensions in the data.frame. If this is desired, call a2d(lm2a(lm)) instead of lm2d.


data.frame with the rows (if along = 1) or columns (if along = 2) of lm binded together.


# list names and rownames
lm <- asplit(HairEyeColor, MARGIN = 3L)
lm2d(lm) # default
lm2d(lm, rtn.listnames.nm = "Sex", rtn.rownames.nm = "Hair")
# no list names
lm2 <- `names<-`(lm, value = NULL)
lm2d(lm2, rtn.listnames.nm = NULL)
# no rownames too
lm3 <- lapply(lm2, `rownames<-`, value = NULL)
lm2d(lm3, rtn.rownames.nm = NULL)
lm2d(lm3, rtn.listnames.nm = NULL, rtn.rownames.nm = NULL)
# cbinding as columns
lm2d(lm3, along = 2)
lm2d(lm3, along = 2, check.names = TRUE)

List of Matrices to (Atomic) Vector


lm2v converts a list of matrices to a (atomic) vector. This function is a combination of m2v and lv2v. This function can be useful in conjunction with the boot::boot function when wanting to generate a statistic function that returns an atomic vector.


  along = 2,
  use.listnames = TRUE,
  use.dimnames = TRUE,
  sep = "_",
  check = TRUE



list of matrices. They do NOT have to be the same typeof or have the same dimensions.


numeric vector of length one that is equal to either 1 or 2. 1 means that each matrix in lm is split along rows (i.e., dimension 1) and then concatenated. 2 means that each matrix in lm is split along columns (i.e., dimension 2) and then concatenated.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the returned vector should have names based on the list the element came from. If lm does not have names, use.listnames = TRUE will have the list positions serve as the list names (e.g., "1", "2", "3", etc.)


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the returned vector should have named based on the dimnames of the matrix the element came from. If a matrix within lm does not have dimnames, use.dimnames = TRUE will have the dimension positions serve as the dimnames (e.g., "1", "2", "3", etc.)


character vector of length 1 specifying the string used to separate the listnames and dimnames from each other when creating the names of the returned vector.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether lm is a list of matrices. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


When list.names and use.dimnames are both TRUE (default), the returned vector elements the following naming scheme: "[listname][sep][rowname][sep][colname]".

If the matrices in lm are not all the same typeof, then the return object is coerced to the most complex type of any matrix (e.g., character > double > integer > logical). See unlist for details about the hierarchy of object types.


(atomic) vector with an element for each element from 'lm'.


lm <- list("numeric" = data.matrix(npk), "character" = as.matrix(npk))
# use.listnames = TRUE & use.dimnames = TRUE
lm2v(lm) # the first part of the name is the list names followed by the dimnames
# use.listnames = FALSE & use.dimnames = TRUE
lm2v(lm, use.listnames = FALSE) # only dimnames used,
   # which can result in repeat names
# use.listnames = TRUE & use.dimnames = FALSE
lm2v(lm, use.dimnames = FALSE) # listnames and vector position without any
   # reference to matrix dimensions
# use.listnames = FALSE & use.dimnames = FALSE
lm2v(lm, use.listnames = FALSE, use.dimnames = FALSE) # no names at all
# when list does not have names
lm <- replicate(n = 3, expr = as.matrix(attitude, rownames.force = TRUE), simplify = FALSE)
lm2v(lm) # the first digit of the names is the list position and
   # the subsequent digits are the matrix dimnames
lm2v(lm, use.listnames = FALSE) # no listnames; only dimnames used,
   # which can result in repeat names

List of (atomic) vectors to Data-Frame


lv2d converts a list of (atomic) vectors to a data.frame. This function is similar to, but allows for more flexibility in how the data.frame will be structured (e.g., rowwise), while simplifying the dimension naming process.


  fill = FALSE,
  risky = FALSE,
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
  check = TRUE



list of (atomic) vectors.


numeric vector of length 1 specifying either 1 for binding along rows (i.e., each list element is a row) or 2 for binding along columns (i.e., each list element in a column).


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether 1) to allow the vectors in lv to have different lengths, names, or both, 2) to bind by the names of the vectors within lv rather than by their positions (unless no names are present in which case positions are used), and 3) fill in any missing values in the return object with NA.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to use list2DF rather than data.frame when along = 2 and fill = TRUE. If either along = 1 or fill = FALSE, this argument is not used.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether character vectors should be coerced to factors. See default.stringsAsFactors.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether lv is a list of atomic vectors. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


If fill = FALSE, lv2d uses a combination of and rbind if along = 1 or and cbind if along = 2. rownames and colnames of the returned data.frame are determined by the names of lv and the names of the first vector within lv. If either are NULL, then the positions are used as the dimension names. If fill = FALSE, then an error is returned ff the vectors in lv do not all have the same length. If fill = FALSE, there is no check to ensure the elements within each lv vector have the same names in the same order. The names are taken from the first vector in lv, and it is assumed those names and their order apply to each vector in lv. Essentially, if fill = FALSE, lv binds the vectors by positions and not names.

If fill = TRUE, lv2d uses plyr::rbind.fill if along = 1 or plyr::join_all by the vector names if along = 2. If fill = TRUE, lv2d binds the vectors by by names (and by positions if no names are present). Depending on what the user wants, fill = FALSE or TRUE could be safer. If the user wants an error returned when any vectors within lv have different lengths, then fill = FALSE should be used. If the user wants to bind by names rather than position, then fill = TRUE should be used.


data.frame with the elements of 'lv' either as rows or columns and dimnames determined along the names of 'lv' and 'lv'[[1]].


# 1) `lv` has names; vectors have names
lv <- setNames(object = lapply(X = letters, FUN = setNames, nm = "alphabet"), nm = LETTERS)
lv2d(lv, along = 1)
lv2d(lv, along = 2)
lv2d(lv, along = 2, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)

# 2) `lv` has names; no vector names
lv <- setNames(object = as.list(letters), nm = LETTERS)
lv2d(lv, along = 1)
lv2d(lv, along = 2)

# 3) no `lv` names; vector have names
lv <- lapply(X = letters, FUN = setNames, nm = "alphabet")
lv2d(lv, along = 1)
lv2d(lv, along = 2)

# 4) no `lv` names; no vector names
lv <- as.list.default(letters)
lv2d(lv, along = 1)
lv2d(lv, along = 2)

# we want vectors combined along rows
lv <- lapply(X = unclass(mtcars), FUN = `names<-`, value = row.names(mtcars))
rbind(lv) # not what we want (array list) # also not what we want (combined along cols) =, args = lv) # doesn't have useful dimnames
lv2d(lv, along = 1) # finally what we want

# fill = TRUE
tmp <- lapply(X = unclass(mtcars), FUN = `names<-`, value = row.names(mtcars))
lv <- lapply(X = tmp, FUN = function(v) v[-(sample(x = seq_along(v), size = 9))])
lv2d(lv, along = 1L, fill = TRUE) # NA for missing values in any given row
tmp <- lapply(X = unclass(, FUN = `names<-`, value = names(mtcars))
lv <- lapply(X = tmp, FUN = function(v) v[-(sample(x = seq_along(v), size = 3))])
lv2d(lv, along = 2L, fill = TRUE) # NA for missing values in any given column

# actual use case
lv <- lapply(X = sn(1:30), FUN = function(i)
   coef(lm(v2frm(names(attitude)), data = attitude[-i, ])))
lv2d(lv, along = 2) # coefs in a data.frame

# when vectors have named elements in different positions use fill = TRUE
lv <- list("row_1" = c("col_A" = "col_A1", "col_B" = "col_B1", "col_C" = "col_C1"),
"row_2" = c("col_B" = "col_B2", "col_C" = "col_C2", "col_A" = "col_A2"),
"row_3" = c("col_C" = "col_C3", "col_A" = "col_A3", "col_B" = "col_B3"))
lv2d(lv, along = 1, fill = FALSE) # probably not what you want (See details)
lv2d(lv, along = 1, fill = TRUE) # what we want

# when you have a list with only one vector
lv <- list("A" = c("one" = 1, "two" = 2, "three" = 3))
x <- lv2m(lv, along = 1, fill = FALSE)
y <- lv2m(lv, along = 1, fill = TRUE)
identical(x, y)

List of (atomic) Vectors to Matrix


lv2m converts a list of (atomic) vectors to a matrix. This function is similar to a hypothetical as.matrix.list method if it existed. Note, if the vectors are not all the same typeof, then the matrix will have the most complex typeof any vector in lv.


lv2m(lv, along, fill = FALSE, check = TRUE)



list of (atomic) vectors.


numeric vector of length 1 specifying either 1 for binding along rows (i.e., each list element is a row) and 2 for binding along columns (i.e., each list element in a column).


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether 1) to allow the vectors in lv to have different lengths, names, or both, 2) to bind by the names of the vectors within lv rather than by their positions (unless no names are present in which case positions are used), and 3) fill in any missing values in the return object with NA.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether lv is a list of atomic vectors. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


If fill = FALSE, lv2m uses a combination of and rbind if along = 1 or and cbind if along = 2. rownames and colnames of the returned data.frame are determined by the names of lv and the names of the first vector within lv. If either are NULL, then the positions are used as the dimension names. If fill = FALSE, then an error is returned ff the vectors in lv do not all have the same length. If fill = FALSE, there is no check to ensure the elements within each lv vector have the same names in the same order. The names are taken from the first vector in lv, and it is assumed those names and their order apply to each vector in lv. Essentially, if fill = FALSE, lv binds the vectors by positions and not names.

If fill = TRUE, lv2m uses plyr::rbind.fill.matrix if along = 1 or plyr::rbind.fill.matrix and t.default if along = 2. If fill = TRUE, lv2d binds the vectors by by names (and by positions if no names are present). Depending on what the user wants, fill = FALSE or TRUE could be safer. If the user wants an error returned when any vectors within lv have different lengths, then fill = FALSE should be used. If the user wants to bind by names rather than position, then fill = TRUE should be used.


matrix with the elements of lv either as rows or columns and dimnames determined by the names of lv and lv[[1]]. The typeof is determined by the highest typeof in the elements of lv (i.e., highest to lowest: character > double > integer > logical).


# 1) `lv` has names; vectors have names
lv <- setNames(object = lapply(X = letters, FUN = setNames, nm = "alphabet"), nm = LETTERS)
lv2m(lv, along = 1)
lv2m(lv, along = 2)

# 2) `lv` has names; no vector names
lv <- setNames(object = as.list(letters), nm = LETTERS)
lv2m(lv, along = 1)
lv2m(lv, along = 2)

# 3) no `lv` names; vector have names
lv <- lapply(X = letters, FUN = setNames, nm = "alphabet")
lv2m(lv, along = 1)
lv2m(lv, along = 2)

# 4) no `lv` names; no vector names
lv <- as.list.default(letters)
lv2m(lv, along = 1)
lv2m(lv, along = 2)

# actual use case (sort of)
lv <- lapply(X = asplit(x = as.matrix(attitude), MARGIN = 1),
   FUN = undim) # need undim since asplit returns 1D arrays
cbind(lv) # not what we want = cbind, args = lv) # doesn't have useful dimnames
lv2m(lv, along = 2) # finally what we want

# when vectors have named elements in different positions
lv <- list("row_1" = c("col_A" = "col_A1", "col_B" = "col_B1", "col_C" = "col_C1"),
   "row_2" = c("col_B" = "col_B2", "col_C" = "col_C2", "col_A" = "col_A2"),
   "row_3" = c("col_C" = "col_C3", "col_A" = "col_A3", "col_B" = "col_B3"))
lv2m(lv, along = 1, fill = FALSE) # probably not what you want
lv2m(lv, along = 1, fill = TRUE) # what you want (See details)

# when you have a list with only one vector
lv <- list("A" = c("one" = 1, "two" = 2, "three" = 3))
x <- lv2m(lv, along = 1, fill = FALSE)
y <- lv2m(lv, along = 1, fill = TRUE)
identical(x, y)

List of (atomic) Vectors to (atomic) Vector


lv2v converts a list of (atomic) vectors to an (atomic) vector. lv2v is simply a wrapper function for unlist that allows for more control over the names of the returned (atomic) vector.


lv2v(lv, use.listnames = TRUE, use.vecnames = TRUE, sep = "_", check = TRUE)



list of (atomic) vectors.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the names of lv should be used to construct names for the returned vector. If lv does not have names and use.listnames = TRUE, then the list positions will be used as names (i.e., "1","2","3", etc.).


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the names of each vector within lv should be used to construct names for the returned vector. If any vectors within lv do not have names and use.vecnames = TRUE, then the vector positions will be used as names (i.e., "1","2","3", etc.).


character vector of length 1 specifying what string to use to separate list names from vector element names. Only used if use.listnames = TRUE.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether lv is a list of atomic vectors. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


There are four different scenarios. Each scenario is given as well as the structure of the returned object when both use.listnames and use.vecnames are TRUE (default): 1) if both lv and its vectors have names, then the names of the return object will be a pasted combination of the lv element's name and the vector element's name separated by sep; 2) if only lv has names and its vectors do not, then the names of the returned vector will be a pasted combination of the lv element's name and the vector element's position separated by sep; 3) if the vectors have names and lv does not, then the names of the returned vector will be a pasted combination of the lv positions and vector names separated by sep; 4) if both lv and its vectors do not have names, then the names of the returned vector will be the pasted combination of the lv positions and vector element's positions separated by sep.

If you want to convert a list of vectors where each vector has length = 1 and the list has names, then you probably want to specify use.vecnames = FALSE. This will replicate the functionality of unlist(lv). See the last example.

If you want have a list of vectors where each vector has length > 1 and you want to convert it to a list vector (i.e., all vectors with length = 1), then you can combine lv2v with v2lv via v2lv(lv2v(v)).


atomic vector with length = sum of the lengths of the atomic vectors in lv and typeof = the highest typeof present in the atomic vectors in lv (i.e., from high to low: character > double > integer > logical). See the argument use.listnames for how names are created.


# 1) both `lv` and its atomic vectors have names
lv <- setNames(object = Map(object = 1:26, nm = letters, f = setNames), nm = LETTERS)
lv2v(lv, use.listnames = TRUE, use.vecnames = TRUE)
lv2v(lv, use.listnames = FALSE, use.vecnames = TRUE)
lv2v(lv, use.listnames = TRUE, use.vecnames = FALSE)
lv2v(lv, use.listnames = FALSE, use.vecnames = FALSE)
# 2) only `lv` has names
lv <- list("lower" = letters, "upper" = LETTERS)
lv2v(lv, use.listnames = TRUE, use.vecnames = TRUE)
lv2v(lv, use.listnames = FALSE, use.vecnames = TRUE)
lv2v(lv, use.listnames = TRUE, use.vecnames = FALSE) # FYI - results in repeat names
lv2v(lv, use.listnames = FALSE, use.vecnames = FALSE)
# 3) only the atomic vectors have names
lv <- list(setNames(object = 1:26, nm = letters), setNames(object = 1:26, nm = LETTERS))
lv2v(lv, use.listnames = TRUE, use.vecnames = TRUE)
lv2v(lv, use.listnames = FALSE, use.vecnames = TRUE)
lv2v(lv, use.listnames = TRUE, use.vecnames = FALSE)
lv2v(lv, use.listnames = FALSE, use.vecnames = FALSE)
# 4) neither `lv` nor its atomic vectors have names
lv <- as.list(1:26)
lv2v(lv, use.listnames = TRUE, use.vecnames = TRUE)
lv2v(lv, use.listnames = FALSE, use.vecnames = TRUE) # FYI - results in repeat names
lv2v(lv, use.listnames = TRUE, use.vecnames = FALSE)
lv2v(lv, use.listnames = FALSE, use.vecnames = FALSE)
# common use case for when vectors are all length 1 and list has names
lv <- setNames(as.list(letters), nm = LETTERS)
lv2v(lv, use.listnames = TRUE, use.vecnames = TRUE)
lv2v(lv, use.listnames = FALSE, use.vecnames = TRUE)
lv2v(lv, use.listnames = TRUE, use.vecnames = FALSE) # FYI - probably what you want
lv2v(lv, use.listnames = FALSE, use.vecnames = FALSE)
identical(unlist(lv), lv2v(lv, use.vecnames = FALSE)) # identical to unlist()

Matrix to Data-Frame


m2d converts a matrix to a data.frame. The benefit of m2d over is that it provides the col argument, which allows the columns of the data.frame to be the columns of the matrix (i.e., col = 2), the rows of the matrix (i.e., col = 1), or the expanded matrix (i.e., col = 0).


m2d(m, col = 2, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check = TRUE)





numeric vector of length 1 that is equal to either 0, 1, or 2. col specifies what dimension from m should be the columns of the returned data.frame. If col = 2, then the columns of m (i.e., dimension 2) are the columns of the returned data.frame. If col = 1, then the rows of m (i.e., dimension 1) are the columns of the returned data.frame. If col = 0, neither of the m dimensions are the columns and instead the matrix is expanded by reshape::melt.array such that in the returned data.frame the first column is rownames(m), the second column is colnames(m, and the third column is the elements of m. If any dimnames(m) are NULL, then they are replaced with the positions of the dimensions.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether any resulting character columns in the return object should be factors. If m is a character matrix and stringsAsFactors = TRUE, then all columns in the returned data.frame will be factors. If col = 0 and stringsAsFactors = TRUE, then the first two columns in the returned data.frame specifying dimnames(m) will be factors.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether m is a matrix. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


data.frame with rownames and colnames specified by dimnames(m) and col. If col = 0, then the rownames are default (i.e., "1","2","3", etc.) and the colnames are the following: the first two columns are names(dimnames(m)) (if NULL they are "rownames" and "colnames", respectively) and the third is "element".


mtcars2 <- as.matrix(mtcars, rownames.force = TRUE) # to make sure dimnames stay in the example
m2d(mtcars2) # default
m2d(m = mtcars2, col = 1) # data.frame columns are matrix rownames
m2d(m = mtcars2, col = 0) # data.frame columns are the entire matrix
mat <- cbind(lower = letters, upper = LETTERS)
m2d(mat, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
m2d(mat, col = 0)
m2d(mat, col = 0, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)

Matrix to List of (Atomic) Vectors


m2lv converts a matrix to a list of (atomic) vectors. This is useful since there is no as.list.matrix method. When rownames and/or colnames are NULL, they are replaced by their position numerals so that the dimension information is retained.


m2lv(m, along, check = TRUE)



matrix (i.e., array with 2 dimensions).


numeric vector of length 1 specifying which dimension to slice the matrix along. If 1, then the matrix is sliced by rows. If 2, then the matrix is sliced by columns.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether m is a matrix. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


list of (atomic) vectors. If along = 1, then the names are the rownames of m and the vectors are rows from m. If along = 2, then the names are the colnames of m and the vector are columns from m. Note, the vectors always have the same length as nrow(m).


m2lv(VADeaths, along = 1)
m2lv(VADeaths, along = 2)
m2lv(m = as.matrix(x = attitude, rownames.force = TRUE), along = 1)
m2lv(m = as.matrix(x = attitude, rownames.force = TRUE), along = 2)
m2lv(m = as.matrix(x = unname(attitude), rownames.force = FALSE),
   along = 1) # dimnames created as position numerals
m2lv(m = as.matrix(x = unname(attitude), rownames.force = FALSE),
   along = 2) # dimnames created as position numerals
# check = FALSE
try_expr(m2lv(VADeaths, along = 3, check = FALSE)) # less informative error message
try_expr(m2lv(VADeaths, along = 3, check = TRUE)) # more informative error message

Matrix to (Atomic) Vector


m2v converts a matrix to a (atomic) vector. The benefit of m2v over as.vector or c is that 1) the vector can be formed along rows as well as columns and 2) the dimnames from m can be used for the names of the returned vector.


m2v(m, along = 2, use.dimnames = TRUE, sep = "_", check = TRUE)





numeric vector of length one that is equal to either 1 or 2. 1 means that m is split along rows (i.e., dimension 1) and then concatenated. 2 means that m is split along columns (i.e., dimension 2) and then concatenated.


logical vector of length 1 that specifies whether the dimnames of m should be used to create the names for the returned vector. If FALSE, the returned vector will have NULL names. If TRUE, see details.


character vector of length 1 specifying the string that will separate the rownames and colnames in the naming scheme of the return object. Note, sep is not used if use.dimnames = FALSE.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether m is a matrix. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


If use.dimnames = TRUE, then each element's name will be analogous to paste(rownames(m)[i], colnames(m)[j], sep = sep). If m does not have rownames and/or colnames, then they will be replaced by dimension positions. This is also true when m has only one row *and* one column. The exception is when m has either a single row *or* single column. In these cases, only the non-single dimension's names will be used. If m has one row, then the names of the returned vector will be colnames(m). If m has one column, then the names of the returned vector will be rownames(m). Again, if m does not have rownames and/or colnames, then they will be replaced by dimension positions.


(atomic) vector of length = length(m) where the order of elements from m has been determined by along and the names determined by the use.dimnames, dimnames(m), and sep. See details for when use.dimnames = TRUE.


# general matrix
mtcars2 <- as.matrix(mtcars, rownames.force = TRUE) # to make sure dimnames stay in the example
m2v(mtcars2) # default
m2v(m = mtcars2, along = 1) # concatenate along rows
m2v(m = mtcars2, sep = ".") # change the sep of the rownames(m) and colnames(m)
m2v(m = `dimnames<-`(mtcars2, list(NULL, NULL))) # use dimension positions as dimnames
m2v(m = mtcars2, use.dimnames = FALSE) # return object has no names
# one row/column matrix
one_row <- mtcars2[1,, drop = FALSE]
one_col <- mtcars2[, 1, drop = FALSE]
one_all <- mtcars2[1,1, drop = FALSE]
m2v(one_all, use.dimnames = FALSE)

Number of Object Dimensions


ndim returns the number of dimensions an object has. This is most useful for arrays, which can have anywhere from 1 to 1000+ dimensions.





object that has dimensions (e.g., array).


ndim is a very simple function that is simply length(dim(x)).


integer vector of length 1 specifying the number of dimensions in x. If x does not have any dimensions, then O is returned.



Number of Layers (the Third Dimension)


nlay returns the number of layers - the third dimension - of an array. If the object does not have a third dimension (e.g., matrix), then the function will return NA with typeof = integer. If the object does not have any dimensions (e.g., atomic vector), then the function will return NULL.







R does not have standard terminology for the third dimension. There are several common terms people use including "height" and "page". I personally prefer "layer" as it makes sense whether the user visualizes the third dimension as going into/ontop a desk or into/ontop a wall.


The number of layers (the third dimension) of x. The structure is an integer vector with length = 1. See details for special cases.


a <- array(data = NA, dim = c(6,7,8,9))

Identify Elements That are Not Colnames


not.colnames identifies which elements from nm are not colnames of x. If all elements are colnames, then a character vector of length 0 is returned.


not.colnames(x, nm)



object with a colnames attribute


character vector specifying the elements to test as colnames of x.


character vector containing the elements of nm that are not colnames of x.


not.colnames(x = as.matrix(mtcars), nm = c("MPG","mpg"))

Identify Elements That are Not Names


not.names identifies which elements from nm are not names of x. If all elements are names, then a character vector of length 0 is returned.


not.names(x, nm)



object with a names attribute


character vector specifying the elements to test as names of x.


character vector containing the elements of nm that are not names of x.


v <- setNames(object = letters, nm = LETTERS)
not.names(x = v, nm = c("A","a"))
not.names(x = mtcars, nm = c("MPG","mpg"))
not.names(x = mtcars, names(mtcars)) # returns a character vector of length 0

Identify Elements That are Not Row.names


not.row.names identifies which elements from nm are not row.names of x. If all elements are row.names, then a character vector of length 0 is returned.


not.row.names(x, nm)



object with a row.names attribute


character vector specifying the elements to test as row.names of x.


character vector containing the elements of nm that are not row.names of x.


not.row.names(x = mtcars, nm = c("Mazda RX4","mazda RX4"))

Identify Elements That are Not Rownames


not.rownames identifies which elements from nm are not rownames of x. If all elements are rownames, then a character vector of length 0 is returned.


not.rownames(x, nm)



object with a rownames attribute


character vector specifying the elements to test as rownames of x.


character vector containing the elements of nm that are not rownames of x.


not.rownames(x = as.matrix(mtcars), nm = c("Mazda RX4","mazda RX4"))

Custom Order Permutation


order.custom creates the order of the positions in the atomic vectors from X that would cause the atomic vectors from X to be sorted according to the atomic vectors from ORD. This is analogus to the order function, but instead of doing default sorting (e.g., 1, 2, 3, etc. or "A", "B", "C", etc.), the sorting is customized by ORD. order.custom does custom ordering by converting each atomic vector from X to an ordered factor and then default sorting the ordered factors.


order.custom(X, ORD, na.last = FALSE, decreasing = FALSE)



list of atomic vectors parellel matched with the atomic vectors in X specifying the elements to be ordered. Can also be a single atomic vector, which will internally be converted to a list with one element.


list of atomic vectors that do NOT have to be the same length specifying the order of the unique values for sorting. Can also be a single atomic vector, which will internally be converted to a list with one element.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether missing values should be put last (TRUE), first (FALSE), or removed (NA).


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the sorting should start with the first element of the atomic vectors within ORD and proceed forward (FALSE) or the last element of the atomic vectors within ORD and proceed backwards (TRUE).


Note, that the atomic vectors within X are always forward sequenced; if backward sequence is desired, then the user should call rev on both the input to X and ORD. This is analogous to reversing the order of the atomic vectors given to ... within order.


integer vector of length = X[[1]] (after converting X to a list with one element is need be) providing the revised order of the atomic vectors within X that sorts them according to ORD.


# character vector
x <- esoph[["tobgp"]]
order.custom(X = x, ORD = c("20-29","10-19","30+","0-9g/day"))
x[order.custom(X = x, ORD = c("20-29","10-19","30+","0-9g/day"))] # returns character
esoph[order.custom(X = x, ORD = c("20-29","10-19","30+","0-9g/day")), ]
# order by position
x <- as.character(state.region)
order.custom(X = x, ORD = unique(x))
x[order.custom(X = x, ORD = unique(x))]
# numeric vector
y <- esoph[["ncases"]]
order.custom(X = y, ORD = c(6,5,4,3,2,1,0,17,8,9))
y[order.custom(X = y, ORD = c(6,5,4,3,2,1,0,17,8,9))] # returns numeric
esoph[order.custom(X = y, ORD = c(6,5,4,3,2,1,0,17,8,9)), ]
   # some unique values not provided in `ORD` (appended at the end and sorted by
   # where they appear in the dataset)
y <- esoph[["ncases"]]
order.custom(X = y, ORD = c(6,5,4,3,2,1,0))
y[order.custom(X = y, ORD = c(6,5,4,3,2,1,0))] # returns numeric
esoph[order.custom(X = y, ORD = c(6,5,4,3,2,1,0)), ]
# multiple vectors
z <- esoph[c("agegp","alcgp","tobgp")]
ord <- order.custom(X = z, ORD = list(
   "agegp" = c("45-54","55-64","35-44","65-74","25-34","75+"),
   "alcgp" = c("40-79","80-119","0-39g/day","120+"),
   "tobgp" = c("10-19","20-29","0-9g/day","30+")))
esoph[ord, ]

Extract Elements From a (Atomic) Vector


pick extracts the elements from a (atomic) vector that meet certain criteria: 1) using exact values or regular expressions (pat), 2) inclusion vs. exclusion of the value/expression (not), 3) based on elements or names (nm). Primarily for character vectors, but can be used with other typeof.


pick(x, val, pat = FALSE, not = FALSE, nm = FALSE, fixed = FALSE)



atomic vector or an object with names (e.g., data.frame) if nm = TRUE.


atomic vector specifying which elements of x will be extracted. If pat = FALSE (default), then val should be an atomic vector of the same typeof as x, can have length > 1, and exact matching will be done via is.element (essentially match). If pat = TRUE, then val has to be a character vector of length 1 and partial matching will be done via grepl with the option of regular expressions if fixed = FALSE (default). Note, if nm = TRUE, then val should refer to names of x to determine which elements of x should be extracted.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether val should refer to exact matching (FALSE) via is.element (essentially match) or partial matching (TRUE) and/or use of regular expressions via grepl. See details for a brief description of some common symbols and help(regex) for more.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether val indicates values that should be retained (FALSE) or removed (TRUE).


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether val refers to the names of x (TRUE) rather than the elements of x themselves (FALSE).


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether val refers to values as is (TRUE) or a regular expression (FALSE). Only used if pat = TRUE.


pick allows for 8 different ways to extract elements from a (atomic) vector created by the 2x2x2 combination of logical arguments pat, not, and nm. When pat = FALSE (default), pick uses is.element (essentially match) and requires exact matching of val in x. When pat = TRUE, pick uses grepl and allows for partial matching of val in x and/or regular expressions if fixed = FALSE (default).

When dealing with regular expressions via pat = TRUE and fixed = FALSE, certain symbols within val are not interpreted as literal characters and instead have special meanings. Some of the most commonly used symbols are . = any character, "|" = logical or, "^" = starts with, "\n" = new line, "\t" = tab.


a subset of x that only includes the elements which meet the criteria specified by the function call.


# pedagogical cases
chr <- setNames(object = c("one","two","three","four","five"), nm = as.character(1:5))
# 1) pat = FALSE, not = FALSE, nm = FALSE
pick(x = chr, val = c("one","five"), pat = FALSE, not = FALSE, nm = FALSE)
# 2) pat = FALSE, not = FALSE, nm = TRUE
pick(x = chr, val = c("1","5"), pat = FALSE, not = FALSE, nm = TRUE)
# 3) pat = FALSE, not = TRUE, nm = FALSE
pick(x = chr, val = c("two","three","four"), pat = FALSE, not = TRUE, nm = FALSE)
# 4) pat = FALSE, not = TRUE, nm = TRUE
pick(x = chr, val = c("2","3","4"), pat = FALSE, not = TRUE, nm = TRUE)
# 5) pat = TRUE, not = FALSE, nm = FALSE
pick(x = chr, val = "n|v", pat = TRUE, not = FALSE, nm = FALSE)
# 6) pat = TRUE, not = FALSE, nm = TRUE
pick(x = chr, val = "1|5", pat = TRUE, not = FALSE, nm = TRUE)
# 7) pat = TRUE, not = TRUE, nm = FALSE
pick(x = chr, val = "t|r", pat = TRUE, not = TRUE, nm = FALSE)
# 8) pat = TRUE, not = TRUE, nm = TRUE
pick(x = chr, val = c("2|3|4"), pat = TRUE, not = TRUE, nm = TRUE)
datasets <- data()[["results"]][, "Item"]
# actual use cases
pick(x = datasets, val = c("attitude","mtcars","airquality"),
   not = TRUE) # all but the three most common datasets used in `str2str` package examples
pick(x = datasets, val = "state", pat = TRUE) # only datasets that contain "state"
pick(x = datasets, val = "state.*state", pat = TRUE) # only datasets that have
   # "state" twice in their name
pick(x = datasets, val = "US|UK", pat = TRUE) # only datasets that contain
   # "US" or "UK"
pick(x = datasets, val = "^US|^UK", pat = TRUE) # only datasets that start with
   # "US" or "UK"
pick(x = datasets, val = "k.*o|o.*k", pat = TRUE) # only datasets containing both
   # "k" and "o"

Add Rows to Data Objects


`rbind<-` adds rows to data objects as a side effect. The purpose of the function is to replace the need to use dat2 <- rbind(dat1, add1); dat3 <- rbind(dat2, add2); dat4 <- rbind(dat3, add3), etc. For data.frames, it functions similarly to `[<`, but allows you to specify the location of the rows similar to append (vs. c) and overwrite rows with the same rownames. For matrices, it offers more novel functionality since `[<-.matrix` does not exist.


rbind(data, after = nrow(data), row.nm = NULL, overwrite = TRUE) <- value



data.frame or matrix of data.


either an integer vector with length 1 or a character vector of length 1 specifying where to add value. If an integer vector, it is the position of a row. If a character vector it is the row with that name. Similar to append, use 0L if you want the added rows to be first.


character vector of length equal to NROW(value) that specifies the rownames of value once added to data as columns. This is an optional argument that defaults to NULL where the pre-existing rownames of value are used.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether rows from value or row.nm should overwrite rows in data with the same rownames. Note, if overwrite = FALSE, R will prevent repeat rownames by adding "1" to the end of the repeat rownames similar to rbind.


data.frame, matrix, or atomic vector to be added as rows to data. If a data.frame or matrix, it must have the same ncol as data. If an atomic vector, it must have length equal to ncol of data.


Some traditional R folks may find this function uncomfortable. R is famous for limiting side effects, except for a few notable exceptions (e.g., `[<-` and `names<-`). Part of the reason is that side effects can be computationally inefficient in R. The entire object often has to be re-constructed and re-saved to memory. For example, a more computationally efficient alternative to rbind(dat) <- add1; rbind(dat) <- add2; rbind(dat) <- add3 is dat1 <- = rbind, args = list(dat, add1, add2, add3)). However, `rbind<-` was not created for R programming use when computational efficiency is valued; it is created for R interactive use when user convenience is valued.

Similar to `rbind`, `rbind<-` works with both data.frames and matrices. This is because `rbind` is a generic function with a default method that works with matrices and a data.frame method that works with data.frames. Similar to `rbind`, if rownames of value are not given and row.nm is left NULL, then the rownames of the return object are automatically created and can be dissatisfying.


Like other similar functions (e.g., `names<-` and `[<-`), `rbind<-` does not appear to have a return object. However, it technically does as a side effect. The argument data will have been changed such that value has been added as rows. If a traditional return object is desired, and no side effects, then it can be called like a traditional function: dat2 <- 'rbind<-'(dat1, value = add1).


attitude2 <- attitude
rbind(attitude2) <- colMeans(attitude2) # defaults to rownames = as.character(nrow(`data`) + 1)
attitude2 <- attitude2[!(`%in%`(x = row.names(attitude2), table = "31")), ] # logical subset
rbind(attitude2, row.nm = "mean") <- colMeans(attitude2)
attitude2 <- attitude2[-1*(match(x = "mean", table = row.names(attitude2))), ] # position subset
rbind(attitude2, after = "10", row.nm = c("mean","sum")) <-
   rbind(colMeans(attitude2), colSums(attitude2)) # `value` as a matrix
attitude2 <- attitude2[grep(pattern = "mean|sum", x = row.names(attitude2),
   invert = TRUE), ] # rownames subset
attitude2 <- `rbind<-`(data = attitude2, value = colMeans(attitude2)) # traditional call
attitude2 <- as.matrix(attitude, rownames.force = TRUE) #
rbind(attitude2, after = "10", row.nm = "mean") <- colMeans(attitude2) # `data` as a matrix
# using overwrite
mtcars2 <- mtcars
add <- mtcars[c("Mazda RX4","Mazda RX4 Wag","Datsun 710"), ]*11
rbind(mtcars2, overwrite = TRUE) <- add
mtcars2 <- mtcars
rbind(mtcars2, overwrite = FALSE) <- add

Set a Vector's Names as its Elements


sn sets a vector's names as its elements. It is a simple utility function equal to setNames(x, nm = as.character(x)). This is particularly useful when using lapply and you want the return object to have X as its names.





atomic or list vector.


x with the elements of x as its names.



Stack one Set of Variables from Wide to Long


stack2 converts one set of variables in a data.frame from wide to long format. (If you want to convert *multiple* sets of variables from wide to long, see reshape.) It is a modified version of stack that 1) adds a column for the rownames, 2) returns character vectors rather than factors, 3) can return additional (repeated) columns, and 4) can order by rownames original positions rather than the variable names being stacked call order.


  keep.nm = pick(x = names(data), val = select.nm, not = TRUE),
  rtn.el.nm = "el",
  rtn.vrbnames.nm = "vrb_names",
  rtn.rownames.nm = "row_names", = TRUE,
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE



data.frame of data.


character vector of colnames from data specifying the variables to be stacked.


optional argument containing a character vector of colnames from data specifying the additional columns to be included in the return object. These columns are repeated down the data.frame as they are not stacked together. The default is the inclusion of all other columns in data other than select.nm. If NULL, then no other columns will be included.


character vector of length 1 specifying the name of the column in the return object that corresponds to the elements of the stacked variables.


character vector of length 1 specifying the name of the column in the return object that corresponds to the names of the stacked variables.


character vector of length 1 specifying the name of the column in the return object that corresponds to the rownames.

logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the returned data.frame should be ordered by the positions of the rownames (TRUE) or by the positions of the names of the stacked variables (i.e., select.nm). Note, the ordering is by the *positions*, not by alphabetical order. If that is desired, convert the rownames to a (id) column and use


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the rtn.vrbnames.nm and rtn.rownames.nm columns should be converted to factors. Note, the factor levels are ordered by positions and not alphabetically (see v2fct).


stack2 is also very similar to The differences are that it 1) adds a column for the rownames, 2) returns character vectors rather than factors, and 3) can order by rownames original positions rather than the variable names being stacked call order.


data.frame with nrow = nrow(data) * length(`select.nm`) from stacking the elements of data[select.nm] on top of one another. The first column is the rownames with name rtn.rownames.nm, the second column is the names of the stacked variables with name rtn.vrbnames.nm, the third column is the stacked elements with name rtn.el.nm, and the additional columns are those specified by keep.nm.

See Also

unstack2 stack


# general
stack2(data = mtcars, select.nm = c("disp","hp","drat","wt","qsec"),
   keep.nm = c("vs","am"))
stack2(data = mtcars, select.nm = c("disp","hp","drat","wt","qsec"),
   keep.nm = c("vs","am"), rtn.el.nm = "rating", rtn.vrbnames.nm = "item",
   rtn.rownames.nm = "row_names") # change the return object colnames
stack2(data = mtcars, select.nm = c("disp","hp","drat","wt","qsec"),
   keep.nm = pick(x = names(mtcars), val = c("disp","hp","drat","wt","qsec"),
   not = TRUE)) # include all columns from `data` in the return object

# keep options
stack2(data = mtcars, select.nm = c("mpg","cyl","disp")
   ) # default = keep all other variables in `data`
stack2(data = mtcars, select.nm = c("mpg","cyl","disp"), keep = c("gear","carb")
   ) # character vector = keep only specified variables in `data`
stack2(data = mtcars, select.nm = c("mpg","cyl","disp"), keep = NULL,
   ) # NULL = keep no other variables in `data`

# compare to and
ChickWeight2 <-
ChickWeight2$"Diet" <- as.integer(ChickWeight2$"Diet")
x <- stack(x = ChickWeight2, select = c("weight","Diet")) # does not allow
   # keeping additional columns
y <- reshape::melt(data = ChickWeight2, measure.vars = c("weight","Diet"),
   id.nm = c("Chick","Time"), variable_name = "vrb_names") # does not include
   # rownames and not ordered by rownames
z <- stack2(data = ChickWeight2, select.nm = c("weight","Diet"),
   keep.nm = c("Chick","Time"))
head(x); head(y); head(z)

Transpose a List


t_list transposes a list, similar to what t.default does for matrices. t_list assumes the structure of each x element is the same. Tests are done to ensure the lengths and names are the same for each x element. The returned list has list elements in the same order as in x[[1]].


t_list(x, rtn.atomic = FALSE)



list where each element has the same structure.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the returned list should be a list of atomic vectors (TRUE) rather than a list of lists (FALSE).


If any element within x has no names (NULL), then the transposition is done based on positions. If all element within x have the same names, then the transposition is done based on those names.


list where each element is from those in x[[1]] and each element of the returned object has a subelement for each element in x.


# modeling example
iris_bySpecies <- split(x = iris, f = iris$"Species")
lmObj_bySpecies <- lapply(X = iris_bySpecies, FUN = function(dat) {
   lm(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Width, data = dat)})
lmEl_bySpecies <- t_list(lmObj_bySpecies)
summary(lmObj_bySpecies); summary(lmEl_bySpecies)
summary.default(lmEl_bySpecies[[1]]); summary.default(lmEl_bySpecies[[2]])

# no names
lmObj_bySpecies2 <- unname(lapply(X = lmObj_bySpecies, FUN = unname))
lmEl_bySpecies2 <- t_list(lmObj_bySpecies2)
summary(lmObj_bySpecies2); summary(lmEl_bySpecies2)
summary.default(lmEl_bySpecies2[[1]]); summary.default(lmEl_bySpecies2[[2]])
all(unlist(Map(name = lmEl_bySpecies, nameless = lmEl_bySpecies2,
   f = function(name, nameless) all.equal(unname(name), nameless)))) # is everything
   # but the names the same?

# atomic vector example
x <- list("A" = c("a"=1,"b"=2,"c"=3),"B" = c("a"=1,"b"=2,"c"=3),
   "C" = c("a"=1,"b"=2,"c"=3))
t_list(x, rtn.atomic = TRUE)

# names in different positions
x <- list("A" = c("a"=1,"b"=2,"c"=3),"B" = c("b"=2,"a"=1,"c"=3),
   "C" = c("c"=3,"b"=2,"a"=1))
t_list(x, rtn.atomic = TRUE)

# no names
x <- list(c(1,2,3), c(1,2,3), c(1,2,3))
t_list(x, rtn.atomic = TRUE)

# lists with a single element
x <- list("A" = c("a"=1,"b"=2,"c"=3))

Add Try to Expression


try_expr evaluates an expression expr and returns a list with three elements: 1) return object, 2) warning message, 3) error message. This can be useful when you want to evaluate an expression and are not sure if it will result in a warning and/or error and don't want R to stop if an error does arise.


try_expr(expr, output.class = NULL)





character vector of length 1 specifying the class you want the returned object of try_expr to be. The default is NULL for no class.


This function is heavily based on the following StackOverflow post:


list object with three elements: "result" = 1) return object of expr, "warning" = warning message, "error" = error message. When an element is not relevant (e.g., no errors), then that element is NULL.


# apply to log()
# return a list where NULL if an error or warning appears
lapply(X = list("positive" = 1, "zero" = 0, "negative" = -1,"letter" = "a"),
   FUN = function(x) {
      log_try <- try_expr(log(x))
      result <- log_try[["result"]]
      warning <- log_try[["warning"]]
      error <- log_try[["error"]]
      if (!(is.null(error))) return(NULL)
      if (!(is.null(warning))) return(NULL)

Add Try to Function


try_fun creates a version of the function fun that evaluates the function and then returns a list with three elements: 1) return object, 2) warning message, 3) error message. This can be useful when you want to apply a function and are not sure if it will result in a warning and/or error and don't want R to stop if an error does arise.


try_fun(fun, output.class = paste0(deparse(substitute(fun)), ".try"))





character vector of length 1 specifying the class you want the result from a call to the returned function to be. Note, if fun is an annonymous function, then the default will probably not work due to the character limitations of deparsing a function. You can always put down NULL for no class, which will always work with annonymous functions.


This function is heavily based on the following StackOverflow post:


function that returns a list object with three elements: "result" = 1) return object of fun, "warning" = warning message, "error" = error message. When an element is not relevant (e.g., no errors), then that element is NULL.


# apply to log()
log.try <- try_fun(log)
# return a list where NULL if an error or warning appears
lapply(X = list("positive" = 1, "zero" = 0, "negative" = -1,"letter" = "a"),
   FUN = function(x) {
      log_try <- log.try(x)
      result <- log_try[["result"]]
      warning <- log_try[["warning"]]
      error <- log_try[["error"]]
      if (!(is.null(error))) return(NULL)
      if (!(is.null(warning))) return(NULL)

Undimension an Object


undim removes all dimensions from an object. This is particularly useful for simplifying 1D arrays where the dimnames from the array are used for the returned object. Although the function can also be used when dimensions were temporarily (or erroneously) given to an object.





object with dimensions (usually an array of some kind)


x without any dimensions. If x is an array, then the return object will be an atomic vector. If x is a 1D array, then the returned vector will have names = the 1D dimnames.


a <- array(NA, dim = 1, dimnames = list("A"))
v <- undim(a)
str(a); str(v)

Undimlabel an Object


undimname removes dimlabels from an object. This function is to allow for removing dimlabels from only certain dimensions specified by dims.


undimlabel(x, dims = seq_along(dim(x)))



object with dimlabels (usually an array of some kind)


integer vector of dimension positions or character vector of dimlabels specifying the dimensions for which dimlabels should be removed. Defaults to all dimensions.


x without any dimlabels for the dimensions specified by dims. Consistent with how base R handles removed dimlabels, the removed dimlabels are converted to NA. If all dimlabels are removed, then the dimlabels are empty (aka NULL).


# matrix
m <- array(, times = 4), dim = c(2,2),
   dimnames = list("lower" = c("a","b"),"UPPER" = c("A","B")))
m2 <- undimlabel(m) # remove dimlabels from both dimensions
m3 <- undimlabel(m, dims = 1) # remove dimlabels from only the first dimenion
m4 <- undimlabel(m, dims = "lower")
all.equal(m3, m4) # same return object
# array
a <- unclass(HairEyeColor)
a2 <- undimlabel(a) # removes dimlabels from all dimensions
a3 <- undimlabel(a, dims = c(1,2)) # remove dimlabels from only the first and second dimenions
a4 <- undimlabel(a, dims = c("Hair","Eye"))
all.equal(a3, a4)

Undimname an Object


undimname removes dimnames from an object. This function is to allow for removing dimnames from only certain dimensions specified by dims.


undimname(x, dims = seq_along(dim(x)), rm.dim.lab = TRUE)



object with dimnames (usually an array of some kind)


integer vector of dimension positions or character vector of dimlabels specifying the dimensions for which dimnames should be removed. Defaults to all dimensions.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the dimlabels from the dims dimensions should be removed and converted to NA.


x without any dimnames for the dimensions specified by dims. If a dimlabel existed for the dims dimensions, they will have been removed if rm.dim.lab = TRUE.


# matrix
m <- array(, times = 4), dim = c(2,2),
   dimnames = list("lower" = c("a","b"),"UPPER" = c("A","B")))
m1 <- undimname(m) # remove dimnames from both dimensions
m2 <- undimname(m, rm.dim.lab = FALSE) # keep dimlabels
m3 <- undimname(m, dims = 1) # remove dimnames from only the first dimenion
m4 <- undimname(m, dims = "lower")
all.equal(m3, m4) # same return object
m5 <- undimname(m, dims = 1, rm.dim.lab = FALSE) # keeps dimlabel
# array
a <- unclass(HairEyeColor)
a1 <- undimname(a) # removes dimnames from all dimensions
a2 <- undimname(a, rm.dim.lab = FALSE) # keep dimlabels
a3 <- undimname(a, dims = c(1,2)) # remove dimnames from only the first and second dimenions
a4 <- undimname(a, dims = c("Hair","Eye"))
all.equal(a3, a4)
a5 <- undimname(a, dims = c(1,2), rm.dim.lab = FALSE) # keeps dimlabel

Unstack one Set of Variables from Long to Wide


unstack2 converts one set of variables in a data.frame from long to wide format. (If you want to convert multiple sets of variables from long to wide, see reshape.) It is a modified version of unstack that 1) requires a column for the rownames of the data.frame (or equivalently an id column with unique values for each row in the wide format) before it was stacked, 2) can retain additional columns not being unstacked, and 3) can order by rownames original positions rather than their alphanumerical order.


  rownames.nm = "row_names",
  vrbnames.nm = "vrb_names",
  el.nm = "el",
  keep.nm = pick(x = names(data), val = c(rownames.nm, vrbnames.nm, el.nm), not = TRUE),
  add.missing = TRUE,
  rownamesAsColumn = FALSE



data.frame of data containing stacked variables.


character vector of length 1 specifying the colname in data for whom its unique values correspond to the rows in the return object.


character vector of length 1 specifying the colname in `data` that contains the names of the variables to be unstacked.


character vector of length 1 specifying the colname in data containing the elements from the variable to be unstacked.


optional argument containing a character vector of colnames from data specifying the additional columns to be included in the return object. The default is all the other columns in the data.frame besides rownames.nm, vrbnames.nm, and el.nm. If NULL, then no additional columns are retained. The keep.nm columns will be the last (aka most right) columns in the return object.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether missing values should be added when unstacking. This will occur if there are unequal number of rows for each variable in the set. If FALSE, an error will be returned when there are an unequal number of rows and missing values would need to be added to create the returned data.frame.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the unique values in rownames.nm column should be a column in the return object (TRUE) or the rownames of the return object (FALSE).


unstack2 is also very similar to The differences are that it 1) can return the rownames as rownames of the returned data.frame rather than an id column, 2) can retain additional columns not being unstacked, and 3) can order by rownames original positions rather than the variable names being stacked call order.


data.frame with nrow = length(unique(data[[rownames.nm]])) from unstacking the elements of el.nm alongside one another. New columns are created for each unique value in vrbnames.nm as well as columns for any colnames additional specified by keep.nm. If rownamesAsColumn = TRUE, then the first column is the unique values in rownames.nm; otherwise, they are the rownames of the return object (default).

See Also

stack2 unstack cast


# ordered by rownames
stacked <- stack2(data = mtcars, select.nm = c("disp","hp","drat","wt","qsec"),
   keep.nm = c("vs","am"), = TRUE)
x <- unstack2(stacked)
# ordered by vrbnames
stacked <- stack2(data = mtcars, select.nm = c("disp","hp","drat","wt","qsec"),
   keep.nm = c("vs","am"), = FALSE)
y <- unstack2(stacked)
identical(x, y)

# rownames as a column
z <- unstack2(data = stacked, rownamesAsColumn = TRUE)

# compare to and reshape::cast
stacked <- stack2(data = mtcars, select.nm = c("disp","hp","drat","wt","qsec"),
   keep.nm = c("vs","am"))
x <- unstack(x = stacked, form = el ~ vrb_names) # automatically sorts the colnames alphabetically
y <- reshape::cast(data = stacked, formula = row_names ~ vrb_names,
   value = "el") # automatically sorts the rownames alphabetically
z <- unstack2(stacked) # is able to keep additional variables
head(x); head(y); head(z)

# unequal number of rows for each unique value in `data`[[`vrbnames.nm`]]
# this can occur if you are using unstack2 without having called stack2 right before
row_keep <- sample(1:nrow(stacked), size = nrow(stacked) / 2)
stacked_rm <- stacked[row_keep, ]
unstack2(data = stacked_rm, rownames.nm = "row_names", vrbnames.nm = "vrb_names", el.nm = "el")
## Not run:  # error when `add.missing` = FALSE
   unstack2(data = stacked_rm, rownames.nm = "row_names", vrbnames.nm = "vrb_names",
      el.nm = "el", add.missing = FALSE)

## End(Not run)

(Atomic) Vector to Data-Frame


v2m converts an (atomic) vector to a single row or single column data.frame. The benefit of v2m over is that the dimension along which the vector is binded can be either rows or columns, whereas in it can only be binded along a column, and that v2m will keep the names of v in the dimnames of the returned data.frame.


v2d(v, along = 2, rtn.dim.nm = NULL, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check = TRUE)



(atomic) vector.


numeric vector of length 1 that is equal to either 1 or 2 specifying which dimension to bind v along. 1 means that v is binded along rows (i.e., dimension 1) into a one row data.frame. 2 means that v is binded along columns (i.e., dimension 2) into a one column data.frame.


character vector of length 1 specifying what dimname to use for the dimension of length 1 in the returned data.frame. If along = 1, then rtn.dim.nm will be the single rowname. If along = 2, then rtn.dim.nm will be the single colname. If NULL, then the dimension of length 1 will be created by default with data.frame internally, which will have the rowname be "1" and the colname "V1".


logical vector of length 1 specifying if v should be converted to a factor in the case that typeof is character.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether v is an atomic vector. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


data.frame with typeof = typeof(v). If along = 1, then the dimensions = c(1L, length(v)) and dimnames = list(rtn.dim.nm, names(v)). If along = 2, then the dimensions = c(length(v), 1L) and dimnames = list(names(v), rtn.dim.nm).


x <- setNames(mtcars[, "mpg"], nm = row.names(mtcars))
v2d(v = x, along = 1)
v2d(v = x, rtn.dim.nm = "mpg")

Character Vector to (Unordered) Factor


v2fct converts a character vector to a (unordered) factor. It goes beyond as.factor by allowing you to specify how you want the levels ordered and whether you want NA treated as a level.


  order.lvl = "position",
  decreasing = FALSE,
  na.lvl = FALSE,
  check = TRUE



character vector. If it is not a character vector (e.g., factor, numeric vector), then it is coerced to a character vector within v2fct.


character vector of length 1 specifying how you want to order the levels of the factor. The options are "alphanum", which sorts the levels alphanumerically (with NA last); "position", which sorts the levels by the position the level first appears; "frequency", which sorts the levels by their frequency. If any frequencies are tied, then the ties are sorted alphanumerically (with NA last).


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the ordering of the levels should be decreasing (TRUE) rather than increasing (FALSE).


logical vector of length 1 specifying if NA should be considered a level.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether v is an atomic vector. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


When order.lvl = "alpanum" the levels are sorted alphabetically if letters or a combination of letters and numbers/numerals are in present in v. If only numbers/numerals are present in v, then levels are sorted numerically.


factor of length = length(x) and names = names(x).


# no missing values
state_region <- as.character(state.region)
v2fct(state_region, order.lvl = "position") # in position order
v2fct(v = state_region, order.lvl = "frequency",
   decreasing = TRUE) # most frequent to least frequent
v2fct(v = state_region, order.lvl = "alphanum") # in alphanumerical order
v2fct(v = state_region, na.lvl = TRUE) # na.lvl is inert because no NAs in `v`
# with missing values
state_region <- c(NA_character_, as.character(state.region), NA_character_)
v2fct(v = state_region, order.lvl = "position", na.lvl = TRUE)
v2fct(v = state_region, order.lvl = "frequency", decreasing = TRUE, na.lvl = TRUE)
v2fct(v = state_region, order.lvl = "alphanum", na.lvl = TRUE)
identical(x = v2fct(v = state_region, order.lvl = "alphanum"),
   y = as.factor(state_region)) # equal to as.factor()
# numeric vectors
v2fct(v = round(faithful$"eruptions"), order.lvl = "position")
v2fct(v = round(faithful$"eruptions"), order.lvl = "frequency", decreasing = TRUE)
v2fct(v = round(faithful$"eruptions"), order.lvl = "alphanum")
# cnumeric vectors
cnum <- c("100","99","10","9","1","0","100","99","10","9","1","0")
factor(cnum) # not in numerical order
v2fct(v = cnum, order.lvl = "alphanum") # yes in numerical order
# ties on frequency
v2fct(v = rev(npk$"block"), order.lvl = "alphanum") # ties sorted alphanumerically
v2fct(v = rev(npk$"block"), order.lvl = "position") # no possibility of ties

Character Vector to Formula


v2frm converts a character vector to a formula. The formula has the simple structure of y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + ... + xn. This function is a simple wrapper for reformulate.


v2frm(v, y = 1L, intercept = TRUE)



character vector of term(s) and/or response to be included on either side of the returned formula. If it is not a character vector (e.g., factor, numeric vector), then it is coerced to a character vector within v2frm. Note, if the length of v is 1, then y.which must be NULL because at least one term on the right hand side is required, otherwise an error is returned.


character vector of length 1 specifying the value of the element within v, or integer of length 1 specifying the position of the element within v, that is the response to be placed on the left hand side of the returned formula. If NULL, then no elements of v are treated as response(s) and the left hand side is empty.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the intercept should be included in the returned formula. The default is TRUE and no change is made to the returned formula. If FALSE, then a -1 is added to the end of the right hand side.


formula with element v[y] on the left hand side and v[-y] elements on the right hand side (rhs) separated by plus signs (+) with a -1 if intercept = FALSE.


v2frm(v = names(attitude))
v2frm(v = names(attitude), y = 7L)
v2frm(v = names(attitude), y = NULL)
v2frm(v = "rating", y = NULL)
try_expr(v2frm(v = "rating")) # error is returned

(Atomic) Vector to List of (Atomic) Vectors


v2lv converts a (atomic) vector to a list of atomic vectors. The default is conversion to a list vector where each element of the list has only one element. The n.break argument allows for the input vector to be broken up into larger sections with each section being a list element in the return object.


v2lv(v, use.names = TRUE, n.break = 1L, warn.break = TRUE, check = TRUE)



(atomic) vector.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether the names from v should be retained in the return object.


integer vector of length 1 specifying how v should be broken up. Every n.break elements while seq_along v, a new element of the list is created and subsequent elements of v are stored there. If n.break is not a multiple of length(v), then NAs are appended to the end of v to ensure that each list element has (atomic) vectors of the same length. Note, the default is 1L resulting in a list vector.


logical vector of length one specifying whether a warning should be printed if length(v) / n.break is not a whole number, which would then result in NAs being appended to the end of the vector before converting to a list.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether v is an atomic vector. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


Future versions of this function plan to allow for use similar to the utils::relist function to allow reconstruction after flattening a matrix-like object to a single vector.


list of (atomic) vectors that are the elements of v broken up according to n.break. The list only has names if v has names and n.break = 1L.


vec <- setNames(object = mtcars[[1]], nm = row.names(mtcars))
v2lv(vec, use.names = FALSE)
vec <- unlist(mtcars)
v2lv(vec, n.break = 32) # n.break > 1L and multiple of length(v)
v2lv(vec, n.break = 30) # n.break > 1L and NOT multiple of length(v)

(Atomic) Vector to Matrix


v2m converts an (atomic) vector to a single row or single column matrix. The matrix will be the same typeof as the atomic vector. The benefit of v2m over as.matrix.default is that the dimension along which the vector is binded can be either rows or columns, whereas in as.matrix.default it can only be binded along a column.


v2m(v, along = 2, rtn.dim.nm = NULL, check = TRUE)



(atomic) vector.


numeric vector of length 1 that is equal to either 1 or 2 specifying which dimension to bind v along. 1 means that v is binded along rows (i.e., dimension 1) into a one row matrix. 2 means that v is binded along columns (i.e., dimension 2) into a one column matrix.


character vector of length 1 specifying what dimname to use for the dimension of length 1 in the returned matrix. If along = 1, then rtn.dim.nm will be the single rowname. If along = 2, then rtn.dim.nm will be the single colname. If NULL, then the dimension of length 1 has no dimname.


logical vector of length 1 specifying whether to check the structure of the input arguments. For example, check whether v is an atomic vector. This argument is available to allow flexibility in whether the user values informative error messages (TRUE) vs. computational efficiency (FALSE).


matrix with typeof = typeof(v). If along = 1, then the dimensions = c(1L, length(v)) and dimnames = list(rtn.dim.nm, names(v)). If along = 2, then the dimensions = c(length(v), 1L) and dimnames = list(names(v), rtn.dim.nm).


mtcars2 <- as.matrix(mtcars, rownames.force = TRUE) # to make sure dimnames stay in the example
v2m(mtcars2[, "mpg"])
identical(x = v2m(mtcars2[, "mpg"]),
   y = as.matrix(mtcars2[, "mpg"])) # default = as.matrix.default()
v2m(mtcars2[, "mpg"], along = 1)
identical(x = v2m(mtcars2[, "mpg"], along = 1),
   y = t(as.matrix(mtcars2[, "mpg"]))) # = t(as.matrix.default())
v2m(v = mtcars2[, "mpg"], rtn.dim.nm = "mpg")